Reviews for Driving on the Right
softuniverse chapter 2 . 12/4/2018
This was my favourite fanfic when I was 11 in 2002! I'm still fond of it and nostalgically re-read it every 5 years or so :) Thanks for writing it.
c0rs3t chapter 6 . 7/3/2011
The humor and characterization is *right* on. I wasn't expecting the twists and turns in this story at all - in more than several ways, with the cross-dressing and the contemplative angst since I thought it was going to be a light romantic comedy. They were definitely pleasant surprises! I loved this from the first line to end; lovely.
THE BISCUITNATTER chapter 6 . 1/22/2009
"I guess Oaks and Ketchums -do- go well together."

the oh so famous quote hha
THE BISCUITNATTER chapter 3 . 1/22/2009
"Now, don't get too full of yourself; those are still partially my clothes you're

wearing, and they'd better not turn up on anyone's floor but mine."

"Misty!" both boys yelled, horrified. "If I've taught him anything," Brock said

self-righteously, "it's to always hang up your clothes before bed.

favorite part lol
Kleptomaniac Can Opener chapter 6 . 6/28/2008
The best part was Ash 'catching' Gary. XD "Gary, gar!"

This was a cute little romantic comedy. Ash would make a cute girl, I'm sure! :D
Aisuryuu chapter 6 . 1/5/2008
I'd have to say this is one of the best Pokémon fics I've ever read. Though Gary is my fav character.

I liked how you changed the POV at that point. Somehow it seemed to fit the situation in my mind. And I don't think they were too OOC.

But what age exactly were they? sorry if I missed the hints to it or what not ;
bgtea chapter 6 . 12/26/2007
I've come to learn to not expect anything when it comes to palletshipping fics (given that quite a bit of fics for this pairing made me cringe unpleasantly). Your fic, however, proved that there is hope yet for this pairing. This fic hit all the right notes for me - and the humour, did I ever enjoyed that. I especially love how you wrote the characters. You managed to breathe life to them in your writing as well as bringing depth to them. Thanks for the laugh and the good read! :D
Einstette chapter 6 . 12/15/2007

so freakin cute !


Galbinus-Rayquaza chapter 2 . 10/27/2007
OMG KAWAII! -heart-

Eh.. yeah.. Everyone was totally in-character and urr... great chapter! '

Galbinus-Rayquaza chapter 1 . 10/27/2007
OMG I remember reading this fic somewhere in a Palletshipping fansite.. but... LOVED IT!

AnimeDutchess chapter 1 . 8/23/2007
*gasps* oh my gosh, Driving on the Right! i remember reading this on Reason to Believe! it's amazing, and i love it! you write so well, and it's cute, and EVERYTHING!
Yami-Echo chapter 6 . 7/27/2006
MAN, DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO FIND A YAOI FANFIC IN ALL THIS STRAIGHT JUNK! no offense, heh... i just hate straight couples, at least ones from books and animes, they're so annoying...

anyway, i loved this. it was funny, insightful, and yes, maybe just a bit ooc, but in a way that you could still see the character inside it. this is what i call a good book, it's totally goingon my favs and you can (maybe, depends on how much time i have, it took my three days to read this, after all) expect to see more review from me in the near future.

peace out,


(deepdive, destinies_lies, naraku_kurai, mel)
Shingo the Pest chapter 6 . 8/10/2003
Whoo hoo! A shishi fic where Gary actually _stays_ an asshole and it all works out! I'd give this fic my vote. _
cherry gem chapter 1 . 6/14/2003
I actually first read this story at Chaos' site and I loved it! So up it goes on my fav stories list. _
BuckleberryFerr chapter 6 . 11/9/2002
KAWAII! That was priceless. Absolutely priceless. It had everything from Drag-queen Ash to horny Ritchie to funny Gary. Plus Misty was well out of the way. Very well done! Overall pure genius-I hope you've written more!

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