Reviews for Symbiosis
Guest chapter 24 . 10/13/2023
yea nope, tired of it.
Guest chapter 23 . 10/13/2023
this whole saffron arc was just shit. honestly a lot of what happens is just so random and bad.
Guest chapter 32 . 4/11/2023
Didn’t need to both go down in the chopper.
Guest chapter 28 . 4/11/2023
JJ&M are too pure for this world.
Aetherium21 chapter 37 . 12/30/2022
WHY WHY WHY is Ash speaking Poke in plain view of the killer?!
Aetherium21 chapter 3 . 12/29/2022
Ahahah, an education, ‘o the horror
Cyan Quartz chapter 31 . 10/13/2022
Your fight scenes are amazing bro, I appreciate that not literally every attack is meant to kill, either. That was my only gripe with Sun Soul, It did fit the theme, but it was all super depressing.
Cyan Quartz chapter 20 . 10/11/2022
This episode tore my heart out, loved the action scenes in your version.

Team Rocket are starting to seem like Far Cry goons, you can kill a million of them but the only way to truly beat em is to go for their resources and utilities. Which is fun.
Cyan Quartz chapter 1 . 10/4/2022
Woah. Marp, got me crying.
Guest chapter 42 . 4/24/2022
After reading both Symbiosis and the rewrite, I feel like I have to say that Symbiosis is still better than Symbiotic, even though it starts getting bad at chapter 28 and even though I really liked the village arc in the rewrite, Symbiosis is still better and I'm really sad it will never be finished, despite disliking the last chapters of it.
I'm not sure why it's still better than the rewrite, but while the only part of Symbiotic I feel like re-reading is the secret village arc, I always re-read Symbiosis entirely, even those chapters at the end that I actually dislike, I wish I could pinpoint and explain why, but even though it became a mess by the end Symbiosis is still great! Thanks for leaving it up, it's the best pokemon story, even unfinished, if you still have the notes for what was going to happen next in this story it'd be great if you could post it, if not it's fine, I'm glad the story is still up so I can re-read it when I want :)
Guest chapter 1 . 3/27/2021
A very good Pokemon fanfiction but ash is too innocent but thanks it is one of the best fabrication ever
Resurrection99 chapter 14 . 1/15/2021
Holy shit...
GrumpyGrue chapter 1 . 10/13/2020
Weedle weeds out weaklings.
hobbes319 chapter 14 . 8/30/2020
the trio is surprisingly badass
Valkyrie3420 chapter 6 . 7/16/2020
Oh gawds, first in the anime, they try to recruit pikachu, and now ASH into TEAM ROCKET?
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