Reviews for Mass Effect: Human Revolution
AnthonyR89 chapter 14 . 1/21
shouldn't the head of DARPA be at least a Brigadier General?
ZeaDragon chapter 18 . 11/29/2024
Ah, I get it. Jun Shepard was a Bioroid that didn't obey its programming/orders.
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 1 . 11/18/2024
Good stuff.
BlueBlazeCOMET chapter 37 . 3/1/2024
Holy FUCK I love me some System Shock references. You've been leaving so many references around this story I was keeping System Shock in the back of my mind pocket just in case. And you delivered.

Fantastic writing.
BlueBlazeCOMET chapter 32 . 2/29/2024
Beautiful, brillant storytelling.
mst3ktoo chapter 11 . 2/20/2024
Jesus you couldn't pick a worse situation to get yourself a job. Blackmail the boss with humiliation? Is he planning on keeping that hanging over his head forever with some recordings? He's sitting alanco up for some pain and suffering
drakiesan chapter 91 . 2/12/2024
P.S.: The problem of this fic is that it is extremely ambitious. Way too much. It's just a mess. An awful maze of nonsense and barely understood concepts. Kinda sad, the start was interesting (before Noveria). But during Noveria and after, the story just degraded.
drakiesan chapter 47 . 2/12/2024
The whole fic is an unreadable mess of references nobody gets unless they know detailed lore of Deus Ex and Mass Effect, the several languages mixed together doesn't help, and the whole fic is a bloated mess of story lines full of holes and annoyance. It became really boring, especially with Jensen losing his MC status, and becoming a mess of personalities meshed together to create a messiah, basically a goody two shoes.

And what is worst, the whole fic is BORING! The bait-and-switch tactics are terribly overdone here. Jensen lives only thanks to PLOT ARMOR thicker than Naruto's...
Malgrath chapter 91 . 1/9/2024
Did ME!Adam actully wake up in these circumstances and the secret history goes WAY farther back, or is the memories of Nier!Adam bleeding and he just perceives them as is own?
Malgrath chapter 86 . 1/8/2024
Jesus fucking christ Hein. Remember when i said jumping the shark? Welk that shark turned into a a megalodon. Fucking folding space physics, Conrad's not-a-Conrad-slider-timeline-bullshit, secret history of humanity and androids.
Malgrath chapter 85 . 1/8/2024
as much i as i love this fic, i can also recognize when it jumps the shark. And it jumped the shark when vampires started draining some poor bastards. Nevermind the secret history and Nier-style androids. JC Denton being a messiah figure is believable but where does Adam fic in if he was before the Promethens and Denton? And his encounter with Aleph.

Also Teg, you're not being very subtle, you know being Geth programs stuffed in human mech body.
Malgrath chapter 51 . 1/3/2024
So...with all thia talk of pychics, does Adam have the ability too? With aleph in his head and all the werid techno-magic stuff that comes with it, is pychic potential out ofnthe cards? You already had the bug dust-up with Scholar and Adam showed he deal ith that, some what at leastand all the slight breaks in time when he talks to Aleph implies something.
kukuhimanpr chapter 14 . 12/15/2023
plastic people. presidium plasticium. jensen never asked for this.
Christof Ley chapter 42 . 11/6/2023
JustAnotherFan chapter 91 . 8/30/2023
Ignus, I've been reading ME:HR since Noveria. I've read it, re-read it, left and returned at least half a dozen times over the last decade(!), and first of all I wanted to say how grateful I am this work exists. I keep reading complaint after complaint that I just don't understand. This AU/Xover/atomsmashed masterpiece elevates its source material beautifully while tying together a thematic whole that honestly inspired me to get back into writing. I hope one day I come back to this fic like an old friend, and see it complete at last.

Best wishes,
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