Reviews for The Girl with Red Hair
SunPho3n1x chapter 8 . 5/29/2024
This is a super fun story! I love how Harry has a family. I love all his friends too. Thank you for writing this.
Child of Dreams chapter 4 . 2/7/2024
If Rin's alive, then why is Obito still attacking Konoha?
Coooo chapter 8 . 5/7/2023
Prosím dopsat
zkianpour371 chapter 8 . 4/6/2023
Please update please please
Kisa Peterson chapter 8 . 2/17/2023
I love your story so far and I hope that you plan on finishing it
Targetedandfiring chapter 8 . 1/19/2023
I just want to say that this fic is excellent. I really feel for Harry in it. You've hinted at it but is Harry still having trouble realizing he's part of a family? He calls Naruto a brother but it doesn't seem like he's come to terms with realizing he has a loving father just yet. I know that the person. calling him son (I'm trying to be vague to avoid spoilers for others) probably doesn't mind or is at least aware that it's something for Harry to decide upon when he's ready but there's a bunch of familiar bonding moments and I keep thinking that Harry is finally going to ask if he can call person Dad. Idk I'm all mushy and easily cry in those type of moments. Long ramble over can't wait for the next update.
Argonaut986 chapter 5 . 5/5/2022
Argonaut986 chapter 4 . 5/5/2022
Pain and grief related shenanigans.
Argonaut986 chapter 3 . 5/4/2022
Sadness related shenanigans.
Argonaut986 chapter 2 . 5/4/2022
Shenanigans ala Orochimaru.
Argonaut986 chapter 1 . 5/3/2022
The shenanigans harry will get into…
JlovesGaara chapter 8 . 4/9/2022
Such an amazing fic, I binge read it. I love the relationships and the love Harry received growing up with Kushina and Minato. Absolutely fabulous, well done.
BakaMondai chapter 4 . 1/28/2022
Geezer Harry's head is getting crowded lol. two snakes a fox demon and a soul shard
Pinkypi chapter 6 . 11/18/2021
kekekeke I think it's odd the senju aren't a noble clan? but then again they were reduced down to just tsunade quite maybe it was originally 5 noble clans at first? then slipped to 4. but that means uchiha wouldn't be noble anymore by the time of the massacre since it's only sasuke left. _
Loki Snape-Nara-Winchester chapter 8 . 10/31/2021
Love Love Love this!
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