Reviews for The Probable Infectious Premise
Guest chapter 1 . 2/7/2022
Cute little story. Leonard's actions were described perfectly as demonstrated over the several years of TBBT on TV, he is such a scumbag.
Druto chapter 1 . 3/2/2021
kimjo2 chapter 1 . 4/8/2015
Love it. Thanks so much
Tee Hill chapter 1 . 12/8/2012
avengersgal27 chapter 1 . 7/3/2012
Aww, I really wish you would follow up on this, with Penny taking care of Sheldon!( And him not being annoying and whiny) Please? ) Loved this!
Halfred Askold chapter 1 . 3/29/2012

Rate: A
Lightningbolt81 chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
"Hey I haven't either!" Raj defended as Leonard looked over his glasses. Wouldn't raj had seen her naked when they almost slept together.

Oh so maybe Penny gets to take care of Sheldon now, too cute though.
VickiiMadd chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
haha that is funny :) I love the fix. great job on it!
SunnyCitrus10 chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
Leonard's nightmare is Penny's fantasy. Very cool.
BreathlessFaith chapter 1 . 3/16/2012
I'm with Sheldon, Leonard needs to get out, he's interrupted their REM sleep for long enough. Wonderful story, thanks for

Frust-sheep chapter 1 . 3/16/2012
Oh so cute. Really great written! :) *favs* Now they can both lie in bed to recover. ;D
lucasta chapter 1 . 3/16/2012
Sheldon and Penny - tick. Sheldon looking after Penny - tick tick. Leonard getting the wrong idea seeing Sheldon rubbing vaporub on Penny's chest - priceless. Great job! Also, I love the fact Sheldon dislikes Soft Kitty sung in rounds. Bahaha!
stock2007 chapter 1 . 3/16/2012
A Penny and Sheldon friendship story great stuff. With maybe the start of something else.

Nice story.
JimmyLane chapter 1 . 3/16/2012
AHH! this was absolutely PERFECT one of my topp favorite stories where Sheldon takes care of Penny!:) everything was in order no mistakes I love how arrogant Shelfon can be towards Leonard as well and how he was a pushover towards Penny then again he always has been!