Reviews for Solace in Shadows
Animeworld2.0 chapter 32 . 12/17/2024

I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.

I would like to inform you that my channel is now monetized, and I make sure to give proper credit in the description of your story. Additionally, I will share the video link under your story review for your view. I respect authors and their copyright.

If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am happy to make changes according to your guidance.

I would greatly appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission

Thank you
hufflepuff moon chapter 63 . 7/10/2024
Not sure if you already have gotten to that point or ever will but I’d like it if one day it developed into slash your a great writer and I love tomarry however I won’t tell you what to do because this book is really good and I don’t have that power anyway I have an opinion and so do you but I think you should do what you feel is right with this because if your head and heart aren’t in something then it loses some of its magic the authors passion like and artists passion is what makes a drawing or book utterly brilliant because you can tell there was effort and passion put into it. I feel it when I read this there was clearly effort and passion and maybe even some love for what you were writing when you were writing and likely editing this and it shows in the fact I’ve read 63 chapters after assuming it was a ship fanfic even when I figured out it really didn’t fit to that in the beginning it didn’t end up putting me off I still LOVED reading this and I will continue to. Thank you for putting the effort and time into writing this it’s an absolute gem and I feel so grateful to have found it you know what your doin go so follow your passion and heart don’t do something that takes it out of you don’t make the mistake of ever forcing yourself to write something you don’t want it’s YOUR fanfic and you’ve done a brilliant job at it don’t let others sway you if that’s not what you want. (I’ve recently recovered from a lack of motivation yes I’m still a procrastinator but I’ve finally found my soul in doing what I enjoy be it coloring, drawing, writing, diamond art, and reading I don’t want to give that up for the world now that I’ve got it and I’m going to fight tooth and nail to keep it! I think you should too if the motivation and passion are there!)
hufflepuff moon chapter 62 . 7/10/2024
Tut Tut Tommy boy~! You can’t have both and oh it’s so very surprising that this isn’t working out for you how you’d hoped such a surprise who would’ve guessed!
hufflepuff moon chapter 59 . 7/10/2024
Well apparently this went better then expected thank you Ginny!:D
hufflepuff moon chapter 35 . 7/9/2024
Whilst I don’t like bellatrix in theory I think my draw to her character is her freedom in a sense her power and independence in a sense rebelling against the family and that status quo for women and that’s what I like I also find her character generally amusing. However she is in the wrong no matter how much I love the whole your the man but I got the power you make rain but I make it I make it shower vibe.
hufflepuff moon chapter 19 . 7/9/2024
Harry don’t be a fool of course it’s not a mistake on their end to perceive you as his weaknesss you are it’s just what they don’t know killing that weakness will make him madder and more merciless then the first war they dealt with him they’ll be put through an even worse he’ll knowing Tom he’d figure out how to MAKE a WORSE curse then crucio and he’d identify ever fear likely through mind reading ergo put them through those fears or a boggart edited like the devils snare a personal hell made for them he’d do it in anger and spite!:)
hufflepuff moon chapter 9 . 7/6/2024
Harry oh sweet merciful hufflepuff child you need a hug- someone tell me Tom hugs him at least once!
l30rusty chapter 28 . 5/20/2024
wouldn't he of put Hermione under it too killing her as he couldn't see onit would of hit everyone surrounding him
l30rusty chapter 26 . 5/20/2024
Hermione would not react ike that no way in fucking hell would she react like that nope nope nope i give up with this book if your doing this bs
l30rusty chapter 26 . 5/20/2024
Ironically Voldemort is a better parent/gurdian than who dumbledore eader of the light chose
l30rusty chapter 17 . 5/20/2024
very good
l30rusty chapter 12 . 5/20/2024
well written great story
l30rusty chapter 12 . 5/20/2024
story is picking up its pace starting to get very interesting
l30rusty chapter 11 . 5/20/2024
toms ot wrong we do need pest control of politicians, massive businesses owners, masses of criminals
l30rusty chapter 10 . 5/20/2024
Two muggles will never make a magical

only if there from a squib line will they make a magical
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