Reviews for Tribute
Speed Read chapter 29 . 10/10/2016
I literally read all of this in one night. I'm amazed by the story. Spectacular writing, can't wait to get started on the next one!
Guest chapter 28 . 10/10/2016
It's amazing. I love it. Great story, great writing.
Aidyl James chapter 1 . 8/30/2016
I like it. I have never read the book nor watched the movie Hunger Games but i liked what i read .
Mjnz chapter 28 . 6/21/2016
That was awesome! Thank you for writing
Guest chapter 4 . 4/7/2016
I know you probably won't read this but I wanted to write it anyway. Our lives are a series of good and bad. Happy and sad. You have captured some of the worst of human suffering that still happens in our world. But you have also shown the compassion that some folks still have in their hearts. It's to those people I salute thanks for the reminder that I don't have it so bad that someone else doesn't have it worse. Arkielad
Terri chapter 23 . 2/6/2016

Just wanted to tell you I've read thousands of books, and The Hunger Games were the best I've ever read. You've done a really good job of capturing the essence of both The Games and Rizzoli & Isles. Kudos to you!
Pegasus972 chapter 29 . 1/31/2016
Just reread this in anticipation of starting Victor. I said it previously and I will say it again, I enjoyed this more the actual Hunger Games books it is based on. Plus you saved Rue, so that makes it so much better. You really did a phenomenal job of interweaving the two different universes together in a way that felt organic and real. I am looking forward to Victor as I'm sure it will be just as good if not better. Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you continue to revisit this pairing (within and outside of canon) even after the show ends.
jh728 chapter 28 . 1/21/2016
Outstanding story. You did a fantastic job of blending the two universes.
Thanks for the read.
Ngie chapter 28 . 1/9/2016
This story was brillant. Thank you :)
LamaRama chapter 28 . 12/14/2015
Loved it.
Not familiar with the Hunger Games universe - but I followed along and totallly loved what you crafted in this fic.
Looking fwd to the sequel.
Ladyhart21 chapter 9 . 12/6/2015
I laughed when it got to the part about Gabriel Dean being Head Gamemaker, and Casey and Ian being careers. Also, Giovanni. Poor, dumb Giovanni. And then I got to Frost, and...mood whiplash, I'm telling you. Also, Madge. Poor girl. And Mags, and Haymitch, and friggen Rondo...I am now feeling sorry for characters from two separate series, and I don't think I'm emotionally prepared (much like when I watched the final HG movie a few weeks back). I know what's coming, and yet...ugh. I'm sending you the bill for my emotional distress after I'm done reading, count on it.

As always, thanks for writing and sharing - if this could be in book form and not illegal I'd totally buy it.
Ladyhart21 chapter 7 . 12/6/2015
Gah, you're killing me, here! There's so much emotion - I feel like I should have signed a waiver form or something. Korsak's confession that he still hopes that the Capitol will return Melody to him, alive and safe, if he just does what he's told, was brutal. I honestly just wanted to give him the biggest hug (also, the revelation that he names his animals after past mentees so he could finally take care of them...just, gah - I'm in a glass case of emotion).

Also, the link I left in my last fangirl review was in fact half a link, so on the off chance that you - or anyone else - reads this and is curious as to a nice accompanying song to this fic, I shall repost it:

Ladyhart21 chapter 5 . 12/6/2015
Just - gah! I knew it was going to happen, but damn. This is freakin' flawless. I could feel my heart pounding as they geared up for the reaping. It was a foregone conclusion, but the way you presented it...also, the way you worked in Paddy Doyle and his story was pretty genius, too. Nothing in this fic feels forced, it just flows.

Also, this has been my music of choice while reading - it came on partway through and fit so well I've kept it on in a loop:


Thanks for writing and sharing! I can tell I'm going to be up late reading this - future at work me is already dreading it.
Ladyhart21 chapter 2 . 12/6/2015
Holy crap - this is so good. Like, I don't think you know how good it is. I actually cried when Jane flashback-ed to Frankie getting killed. I like to think of myself as a "middle-cryer" in that I don't cry at everything, but I blubber at sad movies and books and what-have-you without too much shame. Still, though, for only a few words, I was surprised to find I was tearing up. Also, somehow you fit the R&I characters flawlessly into the Hunger Games landscape. Like, it's not jarring or weird or anything. They really seem like themselves, and that takes some pretty damn fine writing skills. Again, thanks for writing and sharing - I'm completely hooked.
Ladyhart21 chapter 1 . 12/6/2015
*Gasps* Could it be? A Hunger Games/Rizzoli and Isles crossover? *Checks word count* and it's a nice, sizeable chunk of words? *Checks status* And complete?! *Reads first chapter* And clearly well thought-out and well written, too! Damn, I've hit the jackpot. I'm really looking forward to seeing where you take this - I'm enthralled already, and I really like how you've integrated the R&I characters into the HG-verse.

Thanks for writing and sharing!
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