Reviews for Traitors
PJz08 chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c3zV5st0rikt
Drag0nst0rm chapter 14 . 7/29/2017
I thoroughly enjoyed the story. I don't suppose there's any chance that someday you'll finish it?
Drag0nst0rm chapter 11 . 7/29/2017
Another great chapter! Although I confess I was kind of hoping Alfred was secretly awake while Haplo related events to Marit. He never found out what Haplo suffered for protecting him in canon, and I kind of want to see his reaction to it.
Drag0nst0rm chapter 8 . 7/29/2017
Well, not THREATEN. Just point out the dangers.

I somehow missed this story the first time I was looking for Death Gate fanfic, but I'm loving every minute of it.
Drag0nst0rm chapter 7 . 7/29/2017
That awkward moment Erri remembers all disputes between herself and Alfred have been settled in his favor.

And Alfred, Alfred honey, you just killed a dragon, and you're terrified of a half-dead victim.

Of course you are.
Drag0nst0rm chapter 1 . 7/29/2017
I love Grundle's alarm here. Not only is there an extremely powerful stranger who can turn into a dragon, there's a potentially SENILE powerful stranger that can turn into a stranger.
omry.grinberg chapter 3 . 6/14/2016
I wish you'd continue.
Alowl chapter 14 . 5/18/2013

The Death Gate Cycle is one of my favorite fantasy series; they were some of my favorite books when I was younger, and I return to them every so often simply to savor the works. I really like your AU; I'm left with the impression that yes, this is something that could have happened so very, very easily, and now I'm left in eager anticipation of each chapter.

Alfred is one of my favorite characters. I'm very interested with your interpretation of him - who he is, where he's going - you consistently make him substantially more BA then he is in the books, a change I am very much in favor of. The idea of Alfred *realizing* his power, and acting accordingly - well. I like your take on the character. Though now I am possessed of the urge to see him doing more and more incredible things - it's a slippery slope, I tell you!

Well. Halpo and Marit should be introduced to the Mausoleum in the next few upcoming chapters. I wonder what response it would draw from Marit? How would Halpo react, being in the center of the place that has so drastically come to define Alfred's life?

I wonder under what circumstances Alfred would even think of revealing/claiming his True Name?
Darkhymns chapter 14 . 1/12/2013
Oh, Alfred. Getting people to wanna kill you even when you're not around. Guess that happens when you -unknowingly- get between people and their career ambitions. XD Charmayne, violence isn't the answer! (the dragon-snakes will happily disagree).

Aww, it's okay, Alfred! Haplo doesn't mind the support. :) And Marjorie (yay!) just needs to open her heart to friendship, so she doesn't have to be suspicious (jealous?) of Haplo and Alfred's connection. But that might take a while. XD

I am okay with this fanon idea! It'll be fun, even if Alfred doesn't think so.
Darkhymns chapter 13 . 11/18/2012
Ohh, Haplo's mad. That's what happens when you keep suspecting/attempting to murder his best friend, Marit. (That he doesn't know is his best friend yet but um, well!) Also, I like Maria as a pseudonym, or Marjorie! I just think its neat.

Overall, Haplo putting everyone in their place was satisfying. Especially Bane, who can't get the demigods to do what he wants. That's what you get for being a manipulative brat, Bane. :)

"You might not have noticed this, Alfred, but she doesn't seem to trust you much." "No, really?" XD Haha, was he being all snarky? Because that is great/cute all around. It must get tiring for poor Alfred for people to not trust him. It's okay though, Haplo still does, which is the important thing, evidenced by Alfred getting all misty-eyed about it. Awww. :)

*tries to hug them both too* Nooo Alfred you should've left a hole for fangirls. D:

Another DGC story on the horizon is gonna get me all excited. (Christmas is coming early this year for me!) Ha, I'm actually working on a oneshot also (because great minds think alike?) so hopefully we both get our stuff done soon? *crosses fingers* XD
Darkhymns chapter 12 . 11/4/2012
Looks like Haplo's starting to get Alfred's memories now. How fun will that be? XD (Answer: Very!)

Poor Haplo just wants his soul back. And the dog won't give it to him. Maybe bribe it with sausages!

I didn't expect the other Sartan to appear! And poor Alfred is mistrusted everywhere, from them to dagger-throwing Marit. At least you got Haplo for a (mostly) friend. And I'll admit I laughed picturing Alfred just falling into the other Sartan. XD;;

'"I'm not sure if your mother would have approved of that," Haplo muttered.' Ouch. Ramu deserved that times a million.

That is weird that Haplo just gives out his very-Patryn name everywhere. (I remember Orla could tell right away when Alfred mentioned it). Though I think the whole magical power over them comes from seeing their heart-runes than just speaking it? Since they're more focused on the written form of their names, at least I think that's how I remember it. XD Though yeah, if you're gonna cover your hands to hide your runes, might as well make a fake name too!

Yay faster updates! NaNoWriMo intimidates me too much to ever do it though. :P
Darkhymns chapter 11 . 9/1/2012
An update for this story as well?! *flips table excitedly* Today is a good day.

It was always pretty weird that Haplo didn't seem to wonder about his dog so much. It just magically teleports anywhere, acts as his eyes; and when it dies and he sees it come back he's just, "Hey there, boy!" and doesn't even question it at all. Denial much? That's just how the dog is, no worries. :) And Haplo's soul having puppies? I can't believe I never thought of that before.

I loved both his and Alfred's exchange on their memories. Not always a pleasant surprise when someone else can recall key moments of your life. Poor Alfred really can't help it at all. And I'm just giggling over Alfred's line, "You can do the same to me." Not -all- of Alfred's memories are full of loneliness, Haplo! Well, if you include the ones before the big sleep...

I really like how you're writing Marit here as well, still distrustful but it's understandable, while trying to keep up her spying duties. And no weird rune-joining with Xar is still the best thing- no need to fear for creepy Xar dialogue! Which is always a plus. XD
Darkhymns chapter 10 . 7/23/2012
Aww, awkward times for all! Poor Haplo. A distrustful Marit was not what he expected or wanted. Though I do love Alfred trying to shake her hand. Manners are important!

"Alfred gulped audibly. His fingers dug into Haplo's shoulders. "W-well met, Keeper."' Haha, is he hiding behind Haplo? Because that is adorable. The Kenkari -are- intimidating looking elves going by their descriptions in the book. And I particularly love how the female elf described Alfred- it is extremely perfect. :D

It was great seeing another chapter! And seeing psychic elves put to good use. Though now Alfred has some pressure on him- as does everyone else. XD
Darkhymns chapter 9 . 6/1/2012
Oh Alfred, working yourself to death. Good thing you have Haplo to watch out for you. XD Now I want to know what humorous incident happened to him when he was a young'un. Also, moody Alfred is fun.

And Haplo, even Bane can see the beginnings of friendship there, but then he was always rather perceptive- that and being an evil little creature.

The Kenkari were one of the most interesting aspects of Hands of Chaos. I like where this is going, though would any of them really want to know their future? :P And I really like the last scene with Marit- not what I expected, and showing off Haplo's soft side. All the grumpy ones have one!
Darkhymns chapter 8 . 5/19/2012
I had this slow realization when Haplo mentioned Kleitus and Jera, and once I finally understood- well, a furious Alfred is an expected result! And a bit frightening. Because when the Serpent Mage is angry at Haplo, enough to make Haplo's runes light up when it senses danger nearby... and said mage also happens to be taller than him, just for emphasis! In other words, I loved that scene- and hey, Haplo's idea at least keeps Alfred from going off to die, for now. So, best pep talk ever? 8D (Actually, now that I think of it, he did keep Devon from dying too- Haplo just has a gift, unrefined as it is now).

Bane, are you scheming? You stop that right now. Also, Marit, you should come out and be best friends with everyone (except Bane who needs a time out). It'll be great, for serious.

As always I will be waiting in eagerness for the next chapter, along with patience! :)
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