Reviews for Sympathy for the Devil and Mycroft Holmes
bee.zippy chapter 1 . 7/13/2017
Pure wonderfulness. Love the conversation at the end between the brothers. Your writing of Mycroft was so good! Thank you!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/13/2017
Absolutely delightful. Thanks for sharing this.
lany-chan chapter 2 . 12/25/2016
Omg so much feeling!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/25/2016
fourth, not forth.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/25/2016
holmes, not homes. auto-correct?
Guest chapter 2 . 12/15/2016
yes. this is amazing and i hope you write more amazement in the future. 8)
The Other World chapter 2 . 11/15/2016
Absolutely amazing! 3 The last part was so strong - my God, it almost brought me to tears. I was taking deep breaths to stop myself from crying. I'm glad they finally got out the words.
Don't think John would much appreciate being called a puppy though :P These Holmes brothers... so caring and so idiotic. 3 3 Gotta love them both, really
Thank you for writing this
bluannie1313 chapter 2 . 9/8/2016
Type your review for this chapter here...
pumuckl91 chapter 2 . 7/28/2016
wow, I honestly don't know what to say. That was wonderfully written, seemed very in character! I'm really happy to there are more people out there who actually like Mycroft! John's and Mycroft's relationship was lovely described, I think Mycroft would be surprised about John not being intimated by the British government himself
O'Donnell chapter 2 . 7/7/2016
Loved this. So deep. so clever, so right - for all of them. Great characterisation, so well thought out, so excellent at filling in the blanks. And delighted there is someone else out there who loves Mycroft as much as I do!
Jade-t9 chapter 2 . 5/28/2016
Wow this was so beautiful. I think my favorite so far!
Guest chapter 2 . 5/25/2016
Just. Wow.
Silvanesti chapter 2 . 4/25/2016
Oh my, I cried at the end of this. I think I fell a bit in love with Mycroft. Excellent story. One for my favourites list. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/18/2016
You made me cry so hard. This is one of my absolute favorite Mycroft stories.
1sunfun chapter 2 . 4/10/2016
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