Reviews for Obsession
Darkstar the Grimm chapter 5 . 4/24/2024
I am happy that he got to make out with Ember, she is my favorite when shipping Danny with a girl strictly from his fandom. I am hoping for an eventual harem though! XD
Vanessa Masters chapter 3 . 1/21/2024
Danny had never seen the confident Valerie look so terrified before. Shame filled the young halfa's heart.

He had almost crossed a line. One second later, and he would have killed her. That was not something he could not allow.

As he stared at the frightened girl, Danny clenched his fists. Never again. He would never come that close to killing again.

"…I'm not a monster…" Danny didn't know if he was saying this to himself or her. "I'm not.."

One thing passed through Danny's mind as he flew away. 'Never again.'


Oh damn.

Close one.

Danny wants to freeze his emotions because of the pain.

Danielle shows up and Danny agrees to let her be his family.

Giving Vlad a second chance too.
Vanessa Masters chapter 2 . 1/20/2024
"Okay, there are three types of ghosts. The first type is created when a person or animal dies. If the soul of the dead has an important reason or obsession, it will created a body of ectoplasm for the sole purpose of completing its obsession.

"The second type is created by an idea. If a story, idea, or thought is strong enough, it will eventually form a body of ectoplasm of its own. These ghost are stronger than the first type.

"The third type…is ah…it's a ghost who has an actually evolving personality. It's purpose is always changing. These are very rare ('Yeah, there are only two'). These are incredibly strong.

"They all live in the Ghost Zone. It is a parallel dimension of earth. Each ghost lives there, but is always seeking a way to our planet.

"Every ghost has the same basic abilities. They can fly, turn invisible, turn intangible, and overshadow human beings.

"Ghosts cannot be attacked by normal means. Many weapons are useless against them. That is why you need ecto weapons. Those are the only physical attack that will work. Your powers, however, may be a different story, but as you said, you never fought a ghost before, so we don't know. And that is the basics in basic form." Danny finished.

Both of his guests were wide eyed.


Very informative.

And Danny in awe of the heroes.

Oh, but now he's asking Vlad.

Very sad.

I love this angle of the alternate timeline with Young Justice.
Vates Despero chapter 3 . 8/14/2023
This "Danny DNA Sam DNA Clone" shows that Danny(and possibly author) is just as bad at biology as he is at math. It's kinda freakin' obvious that "Him DNA Her DNA Offspring", not that Superboy was actually a clone either... just less directly obvious. You got more than 1 genetic donor? Then you ain't a clone... because that is how clones work.
Pen NameG chapter 4 . 6/27/2023


Pen NameG chapter 3 . 6/27/2023
... the English really really ruins impactful dialogue UGH! it's so annoying when you read it and get into it because it's GOOD then they say died instead of dead and your brain stops for a second to correct the word.
Pen NameG chapter 2 . 6/27/2023
so...I know this is old as fuck. but like ugh the English detracts from this so much. it's no wonder it's not more popular. there is alot of good here so far (decent character voices, the dialogue would be very solid with good character clarity I mean) but it's got a big smear of terrible English shit on it.
Mando-Vet chapter 25 . 3/8/2023
I can not express how much I enjoyed reading your story. It was well-written and entertaining from beginning to end.
Mando-Vet chapter 21 . 3/8/2023
Mando-Vet chapter 4 . 3/6/2023
Awww, that was a cute ending.
Wanglin9722 chapter 8 . 2/28/2023
Ugh feminist nonsense
Wanglin9722 chapter 7 . 2/28/2023
I thought this was young justice not some gay danny phantom story
foxchick1 chapter 25 . 1/2/2023
You shall be missed here, and I wish you success in your series.
storp930 chapter 15 . 10/18/2022
Omg force to sit and watch paint dry that's horiable
Lossetta chapter 18 . 7/27/2022
Hmm...It's interestin' how you got Danny as Red X. And I guess yeah, people will be forced to adapt to severe enviroments in order to have some saneness even if it don't appear to be. I guess you can say it's a brain's defense mechanism so there's no fatal breakdowns where it doesn't attack itself? Well, I'm only saying this from what I've witness or read through stories and comics and stuff. It's both interesting and sad to see a character change possible a complete 180 or close to it to unconsciously protect themselves from severe and fatal stress. Well, these are my thoughts.

Also keep up the good work!
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