Reviews for Really, It's Just a Cold
MissAkito chapter 4 . 4/4/2012
Ignore my last review; my computer is an idiot XD

Anyway, I thought you did very well! I was even reading it in my head with the Lorax's voice, which is a sign that you got his personaility down well. I had to laugh a little at his lack of knowledge on human lifespans, though it does make sense. I wonder what his reaction would be to finding out many humans don't even live to 100. And I think Once-Ler's in his early twenties...

Once again, in love with your story, and eagerly await more! :3
Pichicha123 chapter 4 . 4/4/2012
I think it was pretty decent,

I love the last part

"Tell time what?"


maybe the next chapter should be on the Lorax's POV and have the Once-ler not wake up, like be unconscious and weak.
Ct-Can-Write chapter 4 . 4/4/2012
I've been eagerly awaiting all day for the update-I feel satisfied with the result! :) Getting to see what's going on in the Lorax's mind about the situation, that was very nice. Needless to say I was chuckling at a few parts. I will still be eagerly awaiting the next update!
Obsessed Fangirl chapter 4 . 4/4/2012
MissAkito chapter 1 . 4/4/2012
I don't know if it's just my computer 4 isn't showing up... ;_;
demonhellgirl chapter 3 . 4/4/2012
I really like this story so far :) I can't wait to read more
Shion A. Lee chapter 1 . 4/4/2012
That was SO CUTE, you completely captured their personalities. I mean, like, in the kinda-scary-crazy-awesome way. I could literally hear their voices saying the lines, it was amazing! You are a great writer.
StrangeChild100 chapter 3 . 4/4/2012
Ug! I love this but I am waiting patently for more. Please keep going
Jenny Krakowski chapter 1 . 4/4/2012
awesome story! Keep going
MissAkito chapter 3 . 4/3/2012
I had to pee very badly when I saw that you'd updated, and I toughed it out and read this chapter before sprinting to the bathroom. That may sound weird, but it definately means I really like your work. :D

I'm in the same boat as the Lorax; Once-Ler's got something going on, something bad. I can't wait for more! Seriously, I check this thing about once a day 3
ectoaceinspace chapter 3 . 4/3/2012
Great story! I have to wonder what's going one with Once-ler... Looking forward to more!
Pichicha123 chapter 3 . 4/3/2012

Wonder if you're going to have the Lorax go to the city looking for Once-ler's family, be shocked when they seem happy that he's dying, and have to go to seek out a doctor himself, maybe get so angry about the obvious mistreatment and in his wrath intimidate the family into bringing a doctor and acting nice.
toxic-dreamer-2 chapter 3 . 4/3/2012
Oh, I love this! It's exactly the kind of story I was looking for! And you've written it so well! poor sick Once-ler, I feel bad for him- but I love The lorax's concern for him...and the animals too. I hope it's nothing too serious. Please please continue!
windfish chapter 3 . 4/3/2012
i've been too lazy to log in and properly review this, but my heart nearly dropped dead when i saw that it only has seven reviews! not nearly enough, of course.

this is such a wonderful story; granted, i have something of a horrible addiction to sickfic, but this is very well written. i love the thought you've put into the lorax as a character- while the beanpole gets plenty of characterisation, it's hard to get the self-righteous jellybean down, and i think you've got him down pretty good! he's just the right mix of fatherly and gruff, i think, but you can definitely tell he cares about the once-ler.

i really especially love the incorporation of "trees get sick and then die" and him assuming oncie's gonna die, haha. poor guy, he's kind of ignorant for being so all-knowing.

please continue this, this is one of the best lorax fics i've seen on here thusfar, and i'm very excited to see things from the lorax's point of view.
MissAkito chapter 2 . 4/2/2012
This is just too cute. I really like the idea of a fatherly Lorax. He's just so snappy and yet sage at the same time :D

Anyway, I'm curious as to whether this is just a cold anymore; I imagine the Lorax might just flip if it turns into pnemonia or something .
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