Reviews for The Rise of the Drackens
mizzrazz72 chapter 133 . 1/19/2023
All babies develop in a different way.
autumngold chapter 133 . 1/19/2023
I'm sorry to disagree with you, but I think your new chapter was excellent! I loved the family's trip to the zoo! Your writing is so realistic, especially the accidents and temper tantrums that happen when you take small children out. Incredible update! I love this story!
love-orthelack-thereof chapter 133 . 1/19/2023
I love it! I'm glad it was put out. I'm sorry it was a hard chapter, I'm just happy to know it's continuing. thank you!
APridefulSin chapter 133 . 1/19/2023
ShadowFireHime-Sama chapter 133 . 1/18/2023
This chapter was absolutely adoreable
tatis chapter 133 . 1/18/2023
Love Leonlin !
xDarklightx chapter 133 . 1/18/2023
I like it.
AriCMpie chapter 133 . 1/18/2023
awesome chapter it's always worth the wait my dear 3
Anathema Sicarie Black chapter 133 . 1/18/2023
thanks for the update :)
bunnyobelenus chapter 133 . 1/18/2023
I have to be honest, I have missed this "little" family quite a lot so whether you think it wasn't quite right or not just know that someone out here (me, it's totally me!) was super excited to read this. I loved it and thought it was great. Glad to have you back too!
melissa52080 chapter 133 . 1/18/2023
Loved It!
asjblackthorne chapter 133 . 1/18/2023
I'm so ridiculously excited this finally updated!
draconic skysong chapter 133 . 1/18/2023
oh god. grey unicorn? I'm dying. grey unicorn!
a rhyno is not. a grey unicorn. in any way shape or form.
the horn is in the serious wrong spot.

and yes. let's start the everyone cuddle a tiger fan club.

I've been down in the dumps lately and I'll admit seeing an update to this story just made my 35 year old self squeal like a 10 year old.
not sure which chapter I find more amusing this one, or maxes obsticle course. think it's a tie. even counting the 5 or is it 6, times I've reread this fic over the past, 3? or has it been 4, years.
Keep up the great work!
lilly-flower15 chapter 133 . 1/18/2023
excellent chapter update soon
Abby Racer chapter 133 . 1/18/2023
I loved this chapter! You did an excellent job of making the family's first zoo trip magical! I'm excited to see where you take the story next.
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