Reviews for Target Acquired
iammemyself chapter 10 . 5/16/2014
Were these scars too deep for even her to mend? even though you have her shake it off with the next sentence, I think it's true. She didn't do anything with those parts of Aperture that remind her of how she was treated before she killed everyone.

Awwww that's so sad, that they consider GLaDOS to be a failure.
iammemyself chapter 9 . 5/16/2014
Ew now she's even more covered in dirt...
iammemyself chapter 8 . 5/16/2014
Clean herself with a potato?

Aw Wheatley thinks they're relaxing like friends.

Yes, Wheatley, because fixing you is a PRIVILEGE *eye roll*
iammemyself chapter 7 . 5/16/2014
Well done in having Chell's weaknesses take her over now that she's not engaged in anything. She's no longer distracted from her weaknesses and it shows.


It's am I even surprised lolol at first I thought that was a typo but now I get it XD

Hm. She thinks they're dead, eh?
iammemyself chapter 6 . 5/16/2014
I like how you keep bringing up what a pain in the butt and how awkward and heavy Wheatley is.

Ooh jab at GLaDOS. You're lucky she can't hear you, Wheatley, or she'd do more than just fix the glass...

Wow I didn't think that would actually work. Though I don't understand why GLaDOS didn't notice.
iammemyself chapter 5 . 5/16/2014
I love how Wheatley is just completely oblivious to everything. You do him so exactly right.

Ooh he pulled a GLaDOS with that bit about her hands.
iammemyself chapter 4 . 5/16/2014
Oh my God Wheatley has to deflect the pellet - oh, I guess not XD

What the heck is GLaDOS going on about? The Scaffold tried to kill Chell?

Whoops. I didn't see you there. Clever one, GLaDOS, clever one.

Ooh she really did turn off the gun.
iammemyself chapter 3 . 5/16/2014
Ohhhh he lost the files. That's... that's brilliant.

0.o I expected that Chell wouldn't kill Wheatley, but GLaDOS makes a good point: she (thought she) helped Chell, and was killed for it; Wheatley helped Chell and turned on her, and is being given clemency again.

Even my hard drive didn't want to see that lololol

Seventeen? Which seventeen? The Companion Cube one? *clicks next button*
iammemyself chapter 2 . 5/16/2014
The room's centerpiece: YES YES YES

Awesome descriptions of GLaDOS. You make her feel so very alive and deadly.

Lol she had not indulged in revenge for what felt like forever. You make it sound like she runs off revenge and not the nuclear reactor!


I like how you brought up that she doesn't react to pain.

Spoke two words of praise: excellent way of showing that she rarely praises anyone, and two words is quite possibly the greatest compliment she gives.

Wheatley said eh 3

Really like the second paragraph of /three years later/

Interesting how the coop bots like testing and don't really care what GLaDOS says.
iammemyself chapter 1 . 5/16/2014
A very nice, gradual introduction. I like how you brought it from being quite general to being quite specific.

Sentience never sleeps - awesome. I may have to try to remember to use that for something.

Excellent transition from Doug to Chell. Silken lightning - good imagery.

Glassy-eyed... I never considered that. That at that point she must be so tired and bored and done with everything that she just doesn't want to do it anymore.
AlyssOfSpades chapter 19 . 4/20/2014
I really do love the style of your writing and the direction the story is taking. It's quite lovely and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it, luv
Put Off chapter 1 . 2/22/2014
I have had this fanfic on my list of things to get around to reading for a while and was reminded about it today. It's a shame that I was reminded about it by your part of the 'bawwww, no-one raves about my fic as much as Blue Sky'-athon over on Tumblr. At first I thought 'Oh yeah, I was going to read that, but I have to say all thoughts of bothering to read your fic have vanished now that your butt-hurt is showing. Pity.
Purest of the Hearts chapter 6 . 2/14/2014
Purest of the Hearts chapter 4 . 2/14/2014
O-O Oh shit. I guess we ran out of cake...
Commander Allie chapter 24 . 2/14/2014
Chell was right to be cautious. She is always up to something. I am glad the bird survived.
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