Reviews for Opening of Closed Hearts
sethjedjerry1991 chapter 11 . 7/1/2024
Wow I feel like I'm in the room floating and watching all this go on in front of me. You are awesome. Great job.
klo21 chapter 48 . 11/7/2023
Please come back and finish this. Love this story but hate you left it with a cliff hanger.
Guest chapter 48 . 9/15/2023
Why did you leave us with a cliffhanger?! I'm dying here! Please tell me there is a part 2 to this?!
Guest chapter 4 . 9/6/2023
I am loving your story... when you write again... PLEASE LET ME PROOFREAD IT!?
Julie Spencer chapter 48 . 9/6/2023
I enjoyed your story.

The summary says it is complete or I would not have started it...Yet there are a lot of unanswered questions and plot lines that are incomplete. (Steph's creepy new account...Ram getting his collar...Morelli's reaction to getting shipped to his dream FBI job in Alaska...And most of all, who put the hit out on Ranger.)

Will there be a sequel or an update answering these questions?
Pepja98 chapter 48 . 3/30/2023
Wonderful story! Thank you!
Guest chapter 48 . 3/22/2023
Loved the story. Hope you write sequel and we see who has hit on Ranfer and if Morelli ends up in Alaska.
Guest chapter 48 . 11/23/2022
Horrendous final chapter. An immature stupid Stephanie character
Guest chapter 46 . 11/9/2022
Lester and his "beautiful" are fucking annoying
Guest chapter 41 . 11/9/2022
These ff writers know to how to aggravate readers. Their obsessions and fetishes, with Rangeman shores, are revealed through their writings. Lester is can't think clear because of his obsession with her. Bitch brown had his own agenda from the outset. Then you have the writer having a secretive contradictory character for Ranger when dealing with Stephanie that even the fucker Cal had a problem with when he was with Ranger! Sisterly love my ass...these are hot horny bastards who are willing to disobey and disrespect their CEO for her
Guest chapter 38 . 11/9/2022
So Lester has more of a social emotional relationship with Stephanie while Ranger has a physical sexual relationship.
Guest chapter 35 . 11/9/2022
This pathetic writer has turned Rangeman into a WHOREHOUSE
Guest chapter 33 . 11/9/2022
All these Rangeman whores are eager to get into her panties
Guest chapter 33 . 11/9/2022
So his handler is threatening him and Stephanie. What is his lawyer doing about the contract and this threat? Did the incompetent writer forget or not know how to do their research!
Guest chapter 29 . 11/9/2022
Why are all these dumb fucks in Ranger's room! Free access for all
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