Reviews for The Real Life of E A Masen
Wendy chapter 40 . 3/6/2024
Awesome story
Cknsw chapter 40 . 11/10/2023
A fabulous, well written, smart and funny story. I love it in EPOV.
Cknsw chapter 27 . 11/9/2023
2nd read. Better than the first. Just awesome.
itdoesinmyworld chapter 11 . 11/6/2023
the truly madly deeply part omg
itdoesinmyworld chapter 6 . 11/4/2023
edward is soo dramatic lmao i love it
seven9v chapter 40 . 8/16/2023
Loved it! Seriously… really great. I can’t believe I’ve never read this one before!
Troyis chapter 40 . 5/3/2023
Thanks for sharing!
WordsMusicMagic chapter 40 . 4/16/2023
So I just plowed through this in a day and a half and want to say THANK YOU! This was one of the sweetest, most heart warming stories I've read in a long time. I loved the glimpses back in time, the future takes, and everything in between. My favorite part was the Lyme disease "scare" with the man cold. As an RN I can't tell you how many times Dr. Google has been a second opinion to nationally renowned specialists. So, yeah, that shiz was funny. I also laughed my pants off at drunkward singing to his father. Classic.

I most especially loved that Edward was far from perfect. His overprotective parenting was downright maddening and awesome all at the same time. Loved this Bella too, who took no shit from anyone.

Anyway, I'm rambling like Edward. Just two words really for you... thank you!
JaysWorld2 chapter 40 . 1/25/2023
This was so fun to read. Among all the angsty fics, this was a nice change. Thank you for sharing!
Cknsw chapter 40 . 1/24/2023
I read a lot of fanfiction. This is now one of my very favourites. Funny, poignant, loving .. just wonderful.
Cknsw chapter 14 . 1/23/2023
I am so enjoying this Edward.
Flora Mile chapter 40 . 12/7/2022
Oh, thank you for writing this amazing story! I have laughed my ass off for most of it and I am glad that karma came back and bit all the kids in the behind!

I am going to see what else you have written.

Thank you again!
MyHubbyIsATwilightWidow chapter 40 . 11/21/2022
I have thoroughly enjoyed this story, which has been on my "need to read" list for quite a while. When I read about your pregnancy and decided to drop you a review to congratulate you, I looked up top to the story dates and realized your baby is about ten years old! I hope your family is healthy and happy. You have quite a talent for writing humor. Some of the conversations with Jacob were absolutely hilarious. Loved your version of Edward and Bella and the rest of the gang. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
petmom1213 chapter 22 . 10/20/2022
Tammygrrrl chapter 40 . 6/15/2022
Fantastic story! Loved all of it!
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