Reviews for The Real Life of E A Masen
BellaTesoro chapter 19 . 4/30/2018
Edward's mind is a scary place sometimes. He's inner rant about wondering if Bella would want him to marry Rose if she died and he seemed pretty ok with that line of thinking until he realized his buddy Emmett would have to die or Edward would be killed otherwise. Yeah Edward's mind is nuts sometimes. And for someone who's basically a smart guy and know his way around words, not being able to tell your wife what she needs to hear when the "does this make me look fat" is beneath Edward. But that's why we love this guy, he's all sorts of weird but loving to a fault. He was cute with Ethan and again, can't believe this seasoned stay at home dad of three kids, including a boy would not know to protect against being peed on. I'm still stuck on him whipping off the shirt and what a sight Rosalie was given with tatted shirtless Edward caring for a baby. Swoon worthy for sure.
b3j02 chapter 27 . 4/30/2018
I know I am reading this way after the fact so congratulations on your, what, 5 year old? That's awesome!
BellaTesoro chapter 11 . 4/29/2018
This is my second reading of this story and I'm loving it just as much as I did the first time. This is one of the few chapters I didn't review the first time so I'm able to write something now. The only thing that sticks out to me this go around that didn't the first is Edward and even the other parents, Charlie, crazy Renee etc who talk about their daughters and or sons body parts and them as sexual beings. Edward's all over his daughters "boobs" and he even went out of his way to say Charlotte's body is hot and he knows that boys are looking at her and using that visual to get off...idk, it's icky having a dad talking about their daughters as sexual objects like that. Other than that...LOVE this story and the humor in it.
b3j02 chapter 23 . 4/29/2018
This was pretty hilarious!
b3j02 chapter 21 . 4/28/2018
I need an Emmett in my life. I hope Bella and Edward keep baby Ethan so Rosalie and Emmett can reconnect. I truly did feel awful for her.
b3j02 chapter 19 . 4/28/2018
This story makes me so happy! I can't even explain how much I am enjoying this. Yes, my newest nephew recently reminded me to cover it up.
b3j02 chapter 11 . 4/27/2018
I loved this chapter!
b3j02 chapter 6 . 4/24/2018
Whoo sahhh little children, dang.
b3j02 chapter 1 . 4/23/2018
This is like my dream story! I always want an after the hea story and I think this is it. I am also glad it doesn't look like there is much if any drama! Loooove it!
QueenGB chapter 40 . 3/21/2018
My favorites: medicated-ward, drunk-ward, everyday daddyward. I’ll be back so please don’t remove this story. Be well.
QueenGB chapter 39 . 3/20/2018
Blaze? How Hollywood Charlotte.
QueenGB chapter 37 . 3/20/2018
I love Tanya’s fear of Bella and their success. We need more of that in FanFiction.
QueenGB chapter 35 . 3/20/2018
God your awesome. This story is awesome. I always love reading it. Thank you I will read again.
QueenGB chapter 32 . 3/20/2018
Facebook has ruined more marriages with friending ex’s. Bella was cray but it was hella funny watching Edward navigate the cray.
QueenGB chapter 30 . 3/20/2018
He’s a good dad.
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