Reviews for The Real Life of E A Masen
Just Sus chapter 40 . 6/8/2022
THANK YOU! This was a wonderful story! Very real, and very funny! I have always loved EPOV, and this was one of the best evah!
Sending you good wishes and happiness always,
Just Sus chapter 31 . 6/7/2022
Just Sus chapter 25 . 6/6/2022
No, because he and his family would become fair game for the media! Maybe later when the kids are married and he's pretty old. How old are he and Bella at this time?
Just Sus chapter 23 . 6/6/2022
I LMAO over Edward saying they got fisky, and held up 4 fingers! Haha!
Just Sus chapter 22 . 6/6/2022
Edward really makes me laugh! He is a big dork, but so endearing. He has an honest and close relationship with his kids, and a fantastic love and sex relationship with Bella!
Just Sus chapter 19 . 6/6/2022
Yep, pee'd on by my son many times! Edward was so sweet to Rosalie...I loved this chapter!
Just Sus chapter 13 . 6/5/2022
I think his days of being an unknown E.A. Masen are soon coming to an end!
Just Sus chapter 1 . 6/4/2022
Funny so far!
divyvicki chapter 40 . 3/28/2022
Such a great story!
divyvicki chapter 39 . 3/28/2022
Great chapter!
divyvicki chapter 38 . 3/28/2022
divyvicki chapter 37 . 3/28/2022
Love that he got a movie deal!
divyvicki chapter 35 . 3/28/2022
Great ending!
divyvicki chapter 34 . 3/28/2022
Great ending to this chapter!
divyvicki chapter 33 . 3/28/2022
Too funny that they celebrated his surgery!
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