Reviews for The Real Life of E A Masen
MissWM chapter 5 . 1/17/2022
this is priceless. really. i am glad jacob is not hurt, but what he did was irresponsible and so so reckless, i hope he gets an awful punishment. he deserves.

i'm loving this edward and bella. the note? i'm still speechless. that is so cute and it shows how he loves his family.
MissWM chapter 1 . 1/17/2022
omg. i did not know i needed this until i've read this first chapter. this sounds hilarious. i'm so excited for the next chapters
divyvicki chapter 5 . 1/15/2022
I think Bella and Edward are exceptionally good parents.
divyvicki chapter 4 . 1/15/2022
oh no, whatever did Jake do?
divyvicki chapter 3 . 1/15/2022
Brave to do all three of the kids in one night.
divyvicki chapter 2 . 1/15/2022
Edward is pretty naive for someone who writes romantic novels.
divyvicki chapter 1 . 1/15/2022
Interesting start. Cant wait to read more.
AddictedToLoveStories chapter 39 . 8/12/2021
Retreading this gem from years ago! This is one of the best stories I’ve ever read and you should seriously consider pulling and publishing it!
Gidget922 chapter 25 . 5/27/2021
there's no amount of money offered that edward would ever sell his life story for. its not worth the consequences
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 40 . 5/12/2021
Thank you so much for all the laughs this brought me! I can't believe it's taken me this long to find this story! I know it's been years since you wrote it, but I hope you and your family are well!
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 28 . 5/11/2021
'Two year old Jacob answered first with a very polite "No, fank you," and proceeded to pick his nose. A Kodak moment for sure.'
Laughing my ass off!
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 23 . 5/11/2021
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 20 . 5/10/2021
Loved the "Friends" reference!
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 12 . 5/10/2021
I live at the beach and sex is definitely doable as long as you have a big enough blanket.
Just make sure Beach Patrol doesn't catch you! :)
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 9 . 5/10/2021
That was great! I lost it when he was suggesting something sweet and salty!
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