Reviews for Taking Chances
Jay chapter 1 . 10/9
The slash warning is appreciated as I won't bother reading sexuality bent characters (as in not canon original. If they started that way or you started the story from scratch that's a different matter altogether).

I am offended that you think it's obvious you write only slash. This is your first (now last) story I've seen.
Wolvie26 chapter 9 . 5/31
Love it!
Bronze chapter 1 . 7/14/2023
This may be a good story and it was recommended by cywsaphyre but unfortunately, I just can't get into slash stories. No, before you think I'm demanding you take it down or change it because of that, YOU ARE wrong. I make no such demands, nor will I badmouth this story anywhere. I believe that everybody is allowed to read what he/she or they enjoy. It's your story, write it as you want not how I want. Continue to write and post as it's a very good way to improve your story telling.
Epicboss67 chapter 1 . 4/13/2022
Thank you for the slash warning I appreciate it
bluenilote chapter 2 . 3/28/2022
My favorite HP/Avengers crossover. Love this story.
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 9 . 2/17/2022
Wishing there was just ONE more, but I know I can’t have everything.
Clyden chapter 9 . 10/19/2021
I really love this story. Thank you. I reread this, again. It's just good.
Clyden chapter 9 . 3/5/2021
Your one shots are amazing. It's awesome. I'm sad that Finding Home copied your idea, though he didn't make it into a romance. Your one shots though has this special spark that Finding Home didn't. It was entertaining yes, but yours was warm. And it's all that matters. Thank you.
Matt chapter 3 . 4/16/2020
First, why is Steve calling Harry "the raven"? Harry isn't a bird. At least you haven't told us that he is in this story. So there's no reason for that name. Second, I had no idea people drew on cars with sharpies. I had to look it up online to find out that was actually a thing. So thanks! I always enjoy learning new facts.
christinemarie13 chapter 9 . 7/24/2019
You definitely had me in tears. Poor Steve. I’m glad you gave a HEA though. It would be too depressing otherwise.
AnimeIceFox chapter 2 . 5/23/2019
I read this story years ago, and I just happened to be plaguing my thoughts for days now. I had to go hunting for it. Thanks for writing this, I just love their little romance.
Rosa Mundi chapter 9 . 5/9/2019
That was lovely. I’m following in case you get further inspired. I’d love to see what Harry makes of the whole Infinity Stones mess. (Haven’t seen Endgame yet, but I can’t see Harry being to happy about Tony dying alone in space, and I wonder how he and Steven Strange get along.)
Rosa Mundi chapter 2 . 5/9/2019
Awwww! Chapter two is *adorable*!
Rosa Mundi chapter 1 . 5/9/2019
That totally works as a one shot, but now, more chapters! :D
SilverDragon1218 chapter 9 . 2/13/2019
Awww this was adorable and the feels were so strong! I loved this!
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