Reviews for Weres Harry? |
Jamie Holmes2 chapter 23 . 11/15/2023 Racheal is the personality of HogwRts |
Guest chapter 1 . 10/29/2023 Love your space balls reference |
LadyKirsten chapter 1 . 10/16/2023 It's been 9 years since rhe last update. I assume this is abandoned. Which is sad. It was just getting very interesting |
lilashannah chapter 23 . 10/12/2023 I have a feeling this story won't get finished, but what you have written is fantastic . just in case you come back to it, I'm adding it to my follow list. |
sorry its anon chapter 16 . 10/8/2023 enjoying the variation you have thought up, and your take on Dumbledore as knowledgeable but human, is a refreshing one, the last paragraph of chapter 16 though give a view of him as old,and wise, and wanting to guide some one to avoid the hurt and losses he endured. |
Detsella Morningdew chapter 16 . 10/8/2023 I really like Dumbledore here. |
Detsella Morningdew chapter 15 . 10/8/2023 I see Dumbledore as a man with old, bad talents and habits (see how he introduces Tom Riddle to magic, or his power plays with the Dursleys), but someone who wants to do good. He's also so used to being the smartest one in the room that he sees no possibility that someone could have a better plan (say, one that doesn't have a good chance of permanently killing Harry). He did his best to improve Harry's odds (hence his victorious expression when he finds out Voldy took Harry's blood), but didn't trust anyone enough to add input to maybe have a better idea as a whole. Like keeping Voldy a wraith until Harry dies of old age, the last Horcrux, and both die at the same time. |
Detsella Morningdew chapter 14 . 10/8/2023 Also, the ritual could easily be different because because he had access to more loyal followers before he had a body. Notice how he calls the Death Eaters only after the ritual, and thus only Barty and Wormtail are usable. |
Jamie Holmes2 chapter 23 . 8/18/2023 P pA Ed at you should have left me on scene right along and not brought that part with a Fais end of the story now still complicated |
AtrusMagick chapter 23 . 7/19/2023 Howdy! Remembered this fic and decided to read it again. Sad to see no updates, but muses can be fickle. Hope to see more writings in the future! |
moonprincess97524 chapter 4 . 6/20/2023 I love how Harry dealt with Quirrell. I also really love how Harry insulted those students. |
Rebatrek chapter 15 . 6/3/2023 I’m enjoying your changes to canon! |
Rebatrek chapter 13 . 6/3/2023 I really enjoyed the last task! I love that movie! |
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 3 . 5/15/2023 Isn't it ANtony goldstein? Oo Mind you, Tony is a common nickname for Anthony, so it's not wrong, per se. Just a little weird, since most introductions use the full name, not a nickname. The sorting hat always wanted Harry in Slytherin. Harry CHOSE to go to "anywhere but Slytherin". But now he KNOWS Slytherin is NOT bad, and therefore would NOT fight the hat's decition, so... What exactly changed Harry's personality to the point that the hat believed him more gryffindor than Slytherin? And does this mean he will not come up with any smart plans, will risk his life for even more stupud reasons, and in general does not have those Slytherin traits that kept him alive in the books? Correction as I read further: WHY did Harry choose to NOT go into a house he did NOT mind being in? Small note: Hogwarts -like all Primary Education in Brittain- is 100% free for everyone. The Ministry of Magic pays for it, according to a tweet by JK Rowling on her twitter. (The boks cost tho. And the Weasley's only have one paycheck. Selfish parents, no matter how nice they are. To have 7 kids when they have one wage and it's low, and the father to refuse to accept a position that pays more because he loves his job more than he wants his children to have nice things.) Why is Harry even talking to Ron? Ron is not his FIRST friend this time, nor one of the two ONLY friends he has. (Which is the only reason he kept forgiving Ron in the books, and put up with his selfish, turn-coat, predjudiced, famedigger crap in the books.) And why the Hell does Harry grab an asshole he dislike instead of a FRIEND to go save Hermione?! *Rhythmically bashing my head against the table* This story makes NO sense! It's like someone grabbed a children's puzzle box, and tried to fit the star peg into smaller, round hole. And when it wouldn't fit, (s)he grabbed a hammer and smashed it in, breaking the box in the process! And worse; KEPT DPING IT! _ The story starts put very good. But if you keep forcefully cramming in canon things that does NOT FIT IN THE STORY, then I don't think I will be reading any more of this. It's too much of a headache. Which is sad, because, as I said; The story COULD have been a great story. |
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 2 . 5/15/2023 I'm suprised the Wolf in Harry doesn't look at Draco as prey. I mean... He's got a unicorn hair wand -unicorn hair wands REFUSE to lend itself to the Dark Arts-, that should have been a big clue. Snape is a predator, so it makes sense Harry's wolf is wary of him, and of Lucius. But not Narcissa. As far as I can tell she's a loving mother raised to keep up her public facade. (Then again, she IS a Black by birth, so she COULD be dangerous.) Of course, in matters of trustworthyness, dumbledore is far more dangerous to Harry than Snape. But I suppise the wolf can't sniff out manipulative old bastards who want you dead vs assholes who has made an unbreakable vow to save you. Lol I am also convinced that JK Rowling NEVER wrote Werewolves as a half-human, half wolf cross in the books. Remus was always a full wolf. The fact that it was hard enough to tell a werewolf from a real wolf that they had to be taught to look for the signs of it is another clue. The movies, on the other hand, were so filled with flaws it's an affront to the Harry Potter books. The first movie is about the only one that seems to have gooten everything right. And they just got worse and worse as they went along. (My personal theory is that the movie makers started to cut corners once JK Rowling proved to be a naive housemom rather than a rabid writer protecting her creative works. And Rowling was just happy to see her books turned i to movies, clueless to how to control said bigshot,, and in general just let them get away with creative murder. But that's just my theory. The look of the Werewolf being 100% wolf, however, that's fact. Both from legend and from the HP BOOKS.) "It's possible that some individual physical traits may be present in both forms, as with Chiara Lobosca having silver/white hair in human form and similarly coloured fur in her transformed state.[6] The real difference between a wolf and a werewolf, however, was in behaviour.[1]" -PotterWiki Note how it says nothing beyond fur color and behavior as differences from a real wolf. The half-gorilla shit from the movies is just cheap and lazy movie making, cuz they couldn't be arsed to use CG or train a damned wolf-looking dog like GOOD Werewolf movies do. (Wolf, with..I think Jack Nickleson is a good werewolf movie. They COULD have done whatever that did. And the movie is old as dirt. Well, from the 90s I think. Proboably.) I am also sure there is a picture of dumbledore in the Dictionary, right next to the word Quixotic. (It proboably mentions communism as an example of Quixotic ideologues, and we all know how THAT turned out in real life.) I'm suprised the money-greedy minister paied a single dime for Harry's parent's home when they took it. All we know is that Harry's inherited home was taken from him without even asking him. But as I can find no reference to whether they paid or not, either option is possible. I'd expect Harry has a good deal of money and gifta from fans and greatful idiots tho. Unless dumbledore kept them, for some "greater good" reason, because we KNOW with some certantly that he MUST have placed a mail ward on Harry. No way in HELL does a that big celebrety NEVER get letters from anyone but his school and a few (clearly light aligned) friends. Kudos for not making the Potters Malfoy-rich tho. I doubt they'd live in a middle-class house if they were not middle-class themselves. (Plus, James DID work. I don't think Lilly did. But there IS a trend that no married woman in HP actually work. At least I have never seen one. Which hints that the wizarding world MAY be like Japan in the 80s and 90s: Women are allowed to work, but once they marry social pressure is that they stay home and take care of the kids. Could explain why no women that work seems to have husband or children. Mcgonnigal aside. But she has no known children and her husband is dead.) Why is Harry wearing glasses? I was under the impression his eyesight had been fixed after he became a werewolf? (Granted, what you wrote could be read more than one way on that topic. But it WOULD make sense. Especially as the animal quality of werewolves always seeps over into their human form, to various degrees. Even getting bit by a werewolf in human shape make the victim show lupine traits -even if it doesn't actually make them a werewolf.) |