Reviews for Weres Harry? |
Guest chapter 2 . 4/23/2018 Hah, I'm just rereading this story, and the first time I completely missed what Harry did at the end where McGonagall berated the crowd :-) |
Guest chapter 3 . 4/23/2018 Corrections: he family - her family its nearby - it's nearby |
Guest chapter 3 . 4/23/2018 typo: he family - the family |
LePetitPrince chapter 23 . 4/17/2018 Great read, though it was starting to lean towards a too perfect protagonist and entourage (i dunno spice it up with some conflict with his friends ? The others feel a bit too 2-dimensional) I realise this hasnt been updated but I thought I'd say this in case you still write (not necessarily this fic or even any fanfic, maybe your own original work) and still read the comments left here. I do hope this hiatus was out of choice rather than any misfortune. I wish you all the best and thank you for a very interesting creative read. |
mumphie chapter 23 . 4/5/2018 Nearly four years have passed. More please, Sir! |
StoneTheLoner chapter 23 . 3/16/2018 I still think it's a shame you never got around to finishing this story. It was abandoned on such an interesting note :( |
StoneTheLoner chapter 3 . 3/16/2018 I'm really confused when I see muggleborns not being able to use magic at home as an issue people take up arms for. Sure it gives purebloods a huge advantage, but the laws keeping wizards hidden from muggles are a really big f*cking deal in most Harry Potter fanfics, canon too. Letting what amounts to middle schoolers walk home with wands is easily one of the fastest ways to blow their biggest secret :/ |
Matt chapter 23 . 3/13/2018 Update your story! |
RandomThingz123 chapter 9 . 3/7/2018 You've been trolled, you've been trolled, have a nice day! |
RandomThingz123 chapter 2 . 3/7/2018 It better feel wrong, trying to eat a deer! That's like eating your dad! |
Laila2605 chapter 23 . 3/3/2018 Racheal Lady Hogwarts, perhaps ? Any idea when you will update this fic ? I just love the beast. My stomac hurts from laughing so much, when It was playing with Remus. Keep up the good work. Now I will check out the rest of your work. Bye. |
slytherinsal chapter 23 . 2/24/2018 Rachael is Hebrew for ewe, signifying a mother, suggesting she is either Gaia or Magic. I hope this will continue, the fae are such lovely wicked foes |
slytherinsal chapter 22 . 2/24/2018 Damn! I thought i was the first person to have Harry call the Come and Go room the holodeck! |
slytherinsal chapter 14 . 2/24/2018 Using Filch was brilliant. Horribly brilliant. |
slytherinsal chapter 13 . 2/24/2018 Where on earth did Luna get the idea that muggles don't understand how bumblebees fly? the principle of flexible aerofoils has been understood for decades. I'm shocked that Luna of all people should be fooled by out of date muggle studies books. |