Reviews for My Cousin, The Demon
duchessme chapter 4 . 11/20/2013
poor sanada..had fun bad too there's more
Lady Jam chapter 4 . 11/22/2012
Lol! I love this fic I wonder would the whole lot of tennis craze teens would somehow end up in shin Makoku? Please update!
LittleNK chapter 4 . 6/24/2012
interesting crossover, please update soon!
Guest chapter 4 . 6/19/2012
Akaya and Marui has joined the party..haha!

I fell in love with your plot..

it is very entertaining..


I can't wait for Akaya and Marui to meet Anissina..haha!

I can't imagine the "chaos" they would bring.. :)

It would be interesting if you drag the whole team along :))
PurpleScorpion chapter 4 . 5/31/2012
I love Sanada's way of thinking- of COURSE it's Tezuka's fault that he got into Shin Makoku...*rolls eyes* Anyhoo, YAY! Marui and Akaya are now in Shin Makoku! Wonder what pranks they'll pull...but I bet Gwendal will probably stop him or something. Ooh- will Anissina be in this story too? I always loved her inventions XP.

PurpleScorpion chapter 3 . 5/25/2012
Hehehe...around the ending, I kept imagining Akaya also being in Shin Makoku and Sanada slapping him. And then I imagined the looks on their faces when they found out that they just got engaged...HAHAHAHA! XD

PurpleScorpion chapter 2 . 5/13/2012
Yosh! Sanada is now in Shin Makoku. It's a shame that Yuuri and Sanada don't get along well. Hmm...I wonder what Sanada will do now? Does he have any powers- like how Shori has powers cause he's the Earth's Maoh? Can't wait for more!

PurpleScorpion chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
Hehehehe...This story's very interesting so far. I wish Sanada would somehow go to Shin Makoku or Yuri gets to meet Rikkaidai. Or better yet...the whole Rikkai team would somehow end up in SHin Makoku XP...Hehehe...