Reviews for On the Wings of an Eagle
lordonyx348 chapter 10 . 4/18/2018
Ok so I just found this story, and it's probably one of the best I've ever seen. That being said, I noticed the last time you updated was 2014. So am I to look forward for more, or am I to break down sobbing that this amazing story has been abandoned? Thanks amigo!
Funny Man chapter 10 . 4/16/2018
Ryoji Mochizuki chapter 10 . 4/14/2018
Very interesting! I am enjoying your take on this story. Will Ezio train Louise into some kind of newfangled Assassin? Pls update soon!
logiccosmic chapter 1 . 3/31/2018
the newest chapters are on space battles if you make sure to message the mods and then the plant-computer otherwise its super secret because of the worm crossover. just thought I should let everybody know
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31/2018
This fic is being rewritten on space battles just thought I should let everybody know
Delphine Pryde chapter 10 . 3/11/2018
This is very well written. I hope you will continue it someday.
Fordandra chapter 7 . 3/2/2018
Two long years since you last graced these pages. Twice thine eyes have roamed these pages. Too long, hath it been. Woe is thee, thy writer of old. Woe is thy readers, awaiting an end. For, as my heart soared, it did fall like Icarus, struck down by want of more. A worthy champion of writings, if only it were finished. But, no! Not finished. No more can I re-read this masterpieces, for my heart could not bear it. So epic, I dared not speak. So intriguing, I dared not blink. So endearing, I dared not breathe. I bid you a fair thee well. A soft white pillow for thy soft white pages. Adieu.
Sunshine's Armageddon chapter 10 . 12/8/2017
I can never get enough of it. take your time but please finish it
1q2w3e4r5t6yaq chapter 10 . 11/1/2017
Avere chapter 10 . 10/23/2017
I really really really liked this! It's a quiet shame it stops here, but life takes precedence and sometimes stories stopping in the middle is just a thing that happens. It didn't end on a cliffhanger, but on just a few dangling plot threads that make the imagination soar, at least!

AND, most importantly, it was incredibly entertaining. The most I know about both of these Fandoms is through fanfiction (Familiar of Zero mostly only through that gigantic crossover with SAO #) but the character voices were clear and distinct, and i had no trouble believing anything the narrative told us about them: it was never bogged down with details, and also never too short so that i was scrambling to fill up the blanks. Minor Characters like Guiche and the cook and even Katie were well fleshed out and got a character development that never felt tacked on. The scenery was described well and unintrusively. The fight and chase scenes were *spectacular*, especially in the context of peoples different strengths and weaknesses going into the fights, that end up becoming major decidors of the winner, but never making a character (*cough*Ezio*cough*) overpowered, or conversely outclassed for the sake of ... i guess Drama. That was really nice to read for a change :D

What impressed me most though:

1 - Reading Louise (and her internal narration) from the first time she appeared to this last chapter the changes are unmistakably there, but I didnt notice them taking place. There were all the teaching moments with Ezio, of course, but she didn't take his lessons straight to heart and changed on a dime, either. She thought about them, off screen and in between the lines, and I'm a bit proud to see the fledgling Assassin Ezio is making out of her - the heart of gold she's hiding underneath the Inferiority/Superiority Complex and her noblesse oblige approach to life have also always been there, even in the beginning, and I'm glad it comes through with your story how much she truly *changed* without changing her core at all.

When Ezio told her "A thing I learned many years ago: Nothing is true." i kinda squealed at the realization that he's actually teaching her to be an Assassin - that he's kinda adopted her into his life's work, thinking her worthy of it :D

2 - the way Ezio is - despite looking young again and being as spry as in his youth - still very clearly *old*. And also a devoted family man. I am just really really really really really glad that you have not written him with any kind of love interest - understandable attempts by all and sundry aside, I love him quietly making it a non-issue by letting people down either gently or with teasing that clearly is not meant to hint at more. He is an elderly, formerly dying man in his sixties, after all. Any kind of romance with these often-times still teenagers would have been supremely creepy; I probably would have hit the back-button and squicked out of here. Mostly because of characterization issues, i admit, but thankfully that didnt happen :D

I guess I had also just little faith that there would be no romance with him (considering fanfiction-stereotypes, and fanfics i ready in general) and am delighted to have been proven wrong!

I found this story at nine pm in the evening. it was so good that i stayed up till 6am to read it through, all 146k words of it, despite having to go to a uni seminar at 8. I might be slightly incoherent, but it was Worth It(tm)

Thank you for writing it. I hope life treats you well :)
TheWeepingTurtle chapter 10 . 10/14/2017

I can't help but notice that this story has not been updated for years now.

I came upon this fan-fiction when I was searching Google for Assassin's Creed crossover fan-fictions, and, to be honest, I was not too keen on reading a crossover when the other fandom is something that I had never heard of before.

Alas! It is extremely well written, and after I finished it within two days I decided that I must watch this anime! I will check it out, mio amico.

Now, I've read your author's notes, so I can understand why your profile has gone completely still and dead for these past years, but I stand on my toes and look up to you for the newest chapter.

You must be proud, mio amico, to have created a beautiful story with perfectly shaped characters and sceneries-not to mention, I was immediately glued to it despite not even recognizing what Familiar of Zero was.

It's gorgeous! Ezio's character is perfectly performed, and the young main mage's own perfectly developed. Thank you for writing this.

It's absolutely lovely, and I will wait for more. I have followed you as an author and followed the story. I have faith in you, Author-san!

Return to us! Bestow upon us your gift of endless, wonderous story-telling ability!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/1/2017
It's been years update this fucking story man . I mean this story is so legendary that fanfiction is written about this fanfiction
cdog1019 chapter 10 . 9/30/2017
okay i rarely review but i feel obligated after you entertained me so well.

for your questions, i don't enjoy the cardinal too well, he seems too easy i suppose? a rather cut and dry bad guy even if we don't know what motivates him yet.

other than that, the chase scene was good, you didnt bloat it with every step they took and the mix was great.

the interactions with roberto (and subsequently roberto as a chatacter thus far) are fanyastic, as well as the ones with derflinger and agnes.

the cardinal (whose name i can't trust myself to spell) is my only slight dislike of your story and even then who can faylt you for making a rather predictable bad guy when everything has been done before. i will say, that in spite of my dislike of him he fits the theme rather well and you seem to be writing him in an interesting way. i hope to see updates soon~
Acerman chapter 10 . 9/23/2017
Nice story, really well done; I like the turn it's taking. It's stories like these I love fan fiction
Elay grimm chapter 7 . 9/17/2017
Valla que tencion de capítulo edzio y los profesores y Agnes no le teme a nada casi se podía cortar la tencion con un cuchillo tu historia me ha dado muchos consejos de cómo es el mundo en halkeginea espero haberlo recibido bien
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