Reviews for On the Wings of an Eagle
Sigma of Prisium chapter 3 . 5/23/2012
I've just found your story and I must say its quite an amazing story so far. You had more than managed to connect the two worlds and had Ezio transported to the Louise's world.

I really found it funny for Ezio somewhat being dumbfounded when he looked at Guiche flirting with Kate. Wow that was a shocking experience to him considering he DID flirt alot before.

Well Prof. Colbert had him discovered that he is more than a mere banker and merchant. Actual clue is having a large amount of weapons on his person and satchel including his hidden blades.

I wonder how you will have the Apple of Eden make an appearance in the near future. It's quite a dangerous artifact more so now to a corrupt noble mage.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter of this wonderful story.

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted."
SpartanCommando chapter 3 . 5/22/2012
Very nicely written. I very much enjoyed how Ezio took to being younger again. He may physically be in his teens/twenties, but mentally he is an old and experienced man. I can see him trying to keep himself under control while surrounded by women and staying faithful to Sofia. It'll be interesting to see how he deals with Kirche, what with his past exploits and all.
Claytonimor chapter 3 . 5/22/2012
Quite honestly...I love it. Your conversations flow naturally and your describe just enough of a location and a person to let it flow seamlessly with the story. Bravo!
Blank Book chapter 3 . 5/21/2012
To be honest I don't like ACII and FoZ all that much and it was only the title that interested me in taking a look. And I'm happy that I did.

Excellent writing style, excellent rendition of characters.

When Ezio, a former skirt chaser came I was waiting for his visit of the local "SC". While they are kinda similar in certain regards (especially to a younger Ezio), I'm sure Ezio was not THIS pleased with himself and rude, and absolutely looking forward to Ezio man this fop.

Great job.
asredwer chapter 3 . 5/21/2012
Excellent job with the story so far.

Ezio's last mission before being summoned was very well written, as was the actual summoning. I also liked your decision to de-age Ezio. I was a little worried at first with him being so old when he was summoned.

You have done a very good job at NOT doing this so far and I am glad for it, but I thought I would still say it. Please don't just have everything in this story follow the anime exactly. There are too many FOZ crossover stories with the potential to be very good, but they follow the FOZ storyline almost exactly.

As for your comment in the AN about updates being slower I say don't worry about it. As a reader I find that it is to be expected that stories don't update as fast as when they are first started. Also giving out a general timeframe of the next update should prevent most, if not all, complaints about when another chapter is posted.

I wonder how Louise will react to the younger Ezio. I look forward to reading more.
SeanHicks4 chapter 3 . 5/21/2012
Cool cross
DarkBlade the Damned chapter 3 . 5/21/2012

I found your story today and it was an absolute delight to read.

I have read a lot of fanfiction (probably far too much actually) and what I have noticed is that many stories have a flow or a rhythem to them. If you were to liken it to music some flow beautifully like the work of a professional orchestra while others come in fits and starts or harsh grating squals like a five year old trying to play a violin for the first time.

Reading your story was like listening to a truly good piece of classical music played by a group of musicians who knew what they were doing.

I am a big fan of the Assassins Creed series, and I am quite fond of Familiar of Zero. Familiar of Zero is a story that I like more for the potential its world offers to crossovers than for the story itself. To be honest Saito the main male character and the rampant fanservice in the Anime irritates me to no end (Not that I have a problem with fanservice but all things in moderation.)

I have often thought that there was potential in an Assassins Creed / Familiar of Zero crossover but most of the offerings I have seen have been rather disappointing. The main reason for this is that most other writers seem to have great difficulty capturing Ezio’s character and manner. They modernise him far too much of focus on the game play aspects of his character rather than the knowledge and history of the character himself.

You seemed to have captured him perfectly which is part of the reason your story so far is a pleasure to read.

I also like how you have fleshed out aspects of the behaviour of the nobles and details of the magic system in the Zero world. It seems far more consistent and real with what you would expect from nobles from our own roughly comparable period of history. It is details like that that make your work flow so well.

Some people may say you are making the Zero characters act out of Character compared to the novels and the anime. But I would say you are making them more consistent with how they would have acted if they were modelled more after real life and not build to satisfy the animes target audience.

Having Ezio rather than Saito makes things rather interesting in a number of ways. While Ezio is just as unfamiliar with magic he comes from a period of time that means that most aspects of the Zero world would be fairly familiar to him. He would have a detailed knowledge of aspects of the world that Louise would be completely unfamiliar with.

I am particularly interested to see what his future interactions with Henrietta will be like. There seem to be two main stereotypes of Henrietta in fanfiction. In one she is a very idealistic but naïve young woman who genuinely wants to help her country and people but is unaware of the darker aspects of life. The other is of a powerful and ruthlessly pragmatic young woman who also wants to help her country and people but that is aware that to do so she needs to undertake some less than savory actions and needs to break the power of her nobles both to increase her personal power and to implement the changes she believes are necessary.

The latter type of Henrietta would probably find Etzio very useful especially once she becomes aware of his true skill set. In canon Henrietta seems to rely more on the Musketeer corps (all commoners) rather than the Royal Knights or other nobles. Which has meant that some people assume she is trying to build a power base from the commoners, a resource most of the nobles dismiss as no threat. If you take this interpretation and she becomes aware that Etzio not only has the knowledge to build an effective information network, both for Spying and for counter intelligence. But that he also has the knowledge and skills to train normal people to a level that with the right tools they can be a threat to Nobles (either as guards or as assassins). Then he becomes an asset of extremely high value.

Anyway not sure if you intend your story to follow a path like that. Even if you do not I have greatly enjoyed what you have written so far and very much look forward to more.

A few questions if you feel like answering:

Will Etzio be able to help Louise in some way get a handle on her magic? Or will he teach her some of his skills?

Will Etzio start to build a new Order with or without the support of the crown?

How closely do you intend to follow canon. Closely, only in rough outline or are we going completely into uncharted territory?

Anyway once again my comments on an excellent start to this story, I am eagerly looking forward to more.


Primal Chaos chapter 3 . 5/21/2012
Unclouded chapter 3 . 5/21/2012
Impressive story so far and I'm interested where you're heading with it. I have to say the whole Eagle Dive moment with Tabitha was one of the reasons that I originally wanted to read this crossover so fair to say you didn't disappoint.

Honestly, your story is one of the better written of the Familiar of Zero crossovers that I've read and I am very impressed with it so far. I wish you good luck with your future works and thanks for the hard work you put into this story.
Almark chapter 3 . 5/20/2012
Nice, I was curious how an old Ezio could be useful... Not that he isn't badass but still...

Are you going to follow the events of the canon? I am eager to see what's going to happend!

Now just a little thing : "Toi, créature de pouvoir et de magique, à travers temps et espace je t'appelle."

The word "magique" is an adjective, so inaccurate. The right word is : "magie".

To be honest, I am really impressed! Your french is really good. Most of the time when someone try, it's... well... pretty bad.
Ominom chapter 1 . 5/19/2012
Fantastic writing. So vivid and descriptive, as well as making each character introduced unique and interesting in their own way as opposed to just names spouting out colorless words.

I, admittedly, was worried Ezio was going to be 60-something throughout the entire story, but am glad he regained his youth. Not having the advantages of magic or some other super-human feats (other than passive observational abilities), his inclusion into the ZnT world will make the story intriguing enough without him being some ubermensch. He'll have a difficult time in moments of conflict against the magic users of the world, but having the vigor of youth in addition to decades of experience will give him something of an advantage to counteract the handicaps.

Lastly, I really enjoy the occasional use of French and Italian that you incorporate into the story. I hope you'll still include them.
CDR Quackers chapter 3 . 5/19/2012
Mein Gott! Epic Story so far mate keep the epicness coming!
giodan chapter 3 . 5/18/2012
a good start! not bad! this story mean well!
Mr. Mister chapter 3 . 5/17/2012
This AU is perfect for an AC/ZnT crossover. It feels more real and less silly. I'm following this story for sure.
The Q Continuum chapter 3 . 5/17/2012
This is possible one of the best Familiar of Zero crossover that I have ever read.

The way you wrote this story has me reading it word by word throughout the three current chapters rather than skim read over certain parts. Especially the parts when Ezio talks. I just end up matching his voice and pace to the words which makes the chapters seem longer than they really are.

The way you portrayed the characters are spot on. Except for Colbert who seems darker than I remembered. Although that could be due to the fact that Louis summoned THE Great Mentor of the Assassin's Guild rather than some ordinary kid. People of similar profession do tend to recognize each other. Another reason might be that the anime seem to have smoothed out much of the realism and conflicts that should have been present.

Tabitha was also a character that I hope that you take care of when writing her dialogue. Whenever I try to read a story that has Tabitha speak even a short sentence, it sounds so... out of character. Mostly because of why she does that. Yes I know that her stunted childhood had a big part in that problem but I think that she does it for efficiency. Tabitha built her life on getting things done as quick and effectively. If she has 'friends' that constantly pull her down, then she cannot make quick action that may be required. This is why she speaks in one word 'sentences.' Even with one or maybe two words, Tabitha can still convey her intentions. So if there's a conflict between Tabitha and those that she associates with, she uses a couple of words rather than waste time trying to create an elaborate explanation of great eloquence. This usually wards the shallow and incompetent. Those that understand Tabitha and what she is trying to say are those that she consider as a friend, namely Kirsh.

As for the settings of the anime, it just fits in with the Assassin's Creed like hand in glove. Reconquista tries to conquer the world and reclaim the holy lands from the Elves under one banner in the name of Birmier. Sounds just like what the Templar started out as. They even have an artifact that can somewhat resurrect the dead and take over a persons mind. Sounds like a piece of Eden to me. But lo and behold, Reconquista was just a puppet to King Joseph who wants to take over the world. All these conspiracies and plot twist makes Ezio feel right at home. Most likely he gonna create his own Assassin's Guild in Halkeginia.

Overall, keep up the good work.
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