Reviews for For Tesshin
Guest chapter 1 . 8/13
Hello, fellow pedos!

I’m Gina Gail Barron-Goodman and I’m 61 years old. I live at 126 Ambrosia Lane, Heath, Texas 75032 and my email is ginabar at gmail dot com.

I’m a pedophile, I worship Satan, I eat poop and drink pee, I like it in the vagina and anal, I love long and extensive black penises, I rape children and animals and kidnap to satisfy my lust, I have AIDS and I infect people for fun.

Please send me lots of kiddie porn!

SheWolfMedjai chapter 1 . 12/16/2018
Awe that sweet and so believable for the Relationship between Tesshin and Cross.
Shizuku Tsukishima749 chapter 1 . 8/15/2012
AW! That's so sweet! Wonderful work here! Very, very nice! :D Really great Tesshin introspective, as well as Cross! What a neat idea, that he would have been with her and her pups (I wondered what happened to him after Gin and the others meet the Four Generals nearing the end of Ginga Nagareboshi...since we never see or hear about him again...)! Beautiful job with all of this! *U* The passage of years and subtle emotions are gorgeous, as well as the description and, as mentioned, the history! *U* Rock on!
NoRatCat chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
Hello. I am one of the co authors for Echoes of the Forgotten I personally want to thank you for the mentioning of the story. But also I enjoyed this short little one shot. Personally I wished there were more moments between Cross and Tesshin as she did help take care of him. I think you adressed it well and I enjoyed the mention of Cross's old family. If only they knew their mother was checking up on them.