Reviews for Ripples in Time
TyrantChimera chapter 1 . 7/29/2024
You inspired a fic lol
In case that link doesn't work, look up "Kindergarten Killers" by TyrantChimera on either AO3 or
TyrantChimera chapter 20 . 7/8/2024
Really awesome story! Thanks so much for writing! I got redirected from a fic on AO3 that was apparently inspired by this one: I can see why!
GrantHighwind chapter 1 . 3/21/2024
More than a little late to the party, i started reading this way back in high school, shortly after it first started being written, and its taken me forever to find it again as an adult(?) so I'm super excited to read it now that its completed (congratulations!) and has a sequel (AWESOME!)
Side note, one of the reasons i HAD to find this again was i've been crediting THIS SPECIFIC writing ever since the release of FFVII REMAKE as possible inspiration for the new games! Cant wait to keep reading, and I hope you're doing well!
Angie2022 chapter 1 . 2/9/2024
I hope this does not come across as mean, because I do not at all mean it to be that way... there are plot holes and time jumps that do not neccessarily make the most of sense, BUT baby Yuffie dousing the three teenage firsts with blossoms and then falling into Sephs lap and saying "Angel, Gen-sis, Sephy play with me is just sooo adorable.
The characterisations are on point.
I would have loved this to be 200 chapters..
The Book Keeper a.k.a. Etamin chapter 10 . 12/27/2022
Kunsel is a Turk and not a SOLDIER. Goddammit!
The Book Keeper a.k.a. Etamin chapter 5 . 12/27/2022
Nah, nah, we all know Zack is only 14 here, 'cause he's two years older than Zack and no more. Naughty puppy, lying to be a SOLDIER and a hero :3
thepkrmgc chapter 20 . 3/25/2022
This has been quite the read: great work!
Unseen Watcher chapter 20 . 5/23/2020
Ok. I was looking for good time travel fics. I don't think i can find another to top this one. Ending with Cloud and Vincent! Whoohoo!
Unseen Watcher chapter 1 . 5/21/2020
Whoohoo! All of them! Love the scheming. Will miss Tseng being in the know, but glad of those who are. Here's to changing Sephiroth and the world...and incinerating the space bitch!
Guest chapter 20 . 5/15/2020
Very nice
doubledamn chapter 17 . 4/12/2020
You played the FF7 Remake yet? There's a very annoying Boss Trio towards the end, Rubrum, Croceo and Virdi, said to be 'Whispers', beings that appear as "Arbiters of Fate" to ensure those that would alter Destiny's course fail.

The funny thing about Rubrum, Croceo and Virdi is that they use, respectively, a Sword, Ranged weapons similar to a gun and unarmed combat. You fight them with Cloud, Barret and Tifa. And since this remake isn't exactly like the original, it seems to imply that these three Whispers are OG Cloud, Barret and Tifa fighting against the Remake Timeline.
Reaper Nanashi chapter 12 . 11/3/2019
In regards to Vincent maybe being left-handed, the DoC render of him in his Turk suit (so before Hojo's tinkering) shows him holding his gun in his right hand. This isn't something likely to have been a "correction" during training, since a) if he's left-handed that's probably going to be his stronger and steadier hand, which means he'll shoot better, and b) such corrections are typically only worthwhile in situations where visual uniformity is necessary (e.g., a left-handed violinist who's part of an orchestra will play a right-handed violin to match all of the right-handed violinists, as it's more aesthetically pleasing and less likely to end in tangled bows), which doesn't seem likely for Turks.

So I'm inclined to say he's right-handed—or possibly trained to be ambidextrous, as THAT is something I feel Turks would do, in case of injury or mutilation while on assignment—and leave it at that. What condition his left hand is actually in I can't really speculate, though I did read a fic where his left arm/hand was more vulnerable to manipulation by Chaos et al. (which is an unlikely but not outrageous extrapolation, if he's right-handed), and the gauntlet was merely intended as a reminder that the arm/hand was not to be trusted. Another I've read is that it's a prosthetic installed after Hojo chopped the original off.

Personally, I have no particular belief; just write it so I can believe it, and I will.
SailorPoison666 chapter 20 . 10/15/2019
That was 20 great chapters.
Sally chapter 18 . 1/11/2019
Well... so much for having high hopes for this story...

Pretty disappointing... I'm surprised I managed to read until chapter 18...

If I have to rate this story, probably 4/10
10 being great
1 being just an awful read

You did try though :l
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