Reviews for Rehabilitation
Hekka chapter 10 . 1/8/2015
By the way I am embarrassed by one fact in the past and in this chapter...
Didn't Thor said in The Avengers something about how Loki has a very high threshold of pain and torture will not work on him?
Hekka chapter 9 . 1/8/2015
Of course Thor, because torture is such an excellent way to recovery. I guess you're talking so because a lot of own experience from such rehabilitation?..
Hekka chapter 6 . 1/8/2015
My personal opinion is that all the fiasco of the coronation was not about the failure of Thor great day, but about preventing him to become king when he at the first opportunity seeks to start a war (unable to think about something else beside warrior's glory)...
Hekka chapter 1 . 1/8/2015
I generally love stories where the Thor came to realize that oh-so-perfect Asgard indeed not perfect at all (and how differently all treat him and his "beloved brother" -including Thor himself).
But what the heck? Dearest Odin has just announced that he is preparing for his "son" (including the possibility of sexual abuse). And it is then when surely there more simplest ways to pull out of the truth out of Loki (Odin being an experienced seidmadr and all). But it's all okay with Thor and that's why right now he's not going to contradict daddy dearest. After all, it's all for Loki's sake... And that about Frigg? Did she even knows that planned her oh-so-wise-and-fair husband to do with her son?
I do not mean it as a flame. I'm just so furious with Thor's stupidity that I actually would not mind if he is already too late to save Loki when he comes to understanding how things really are (and let him suffering from consequences of his blind selfishness for rest of his long life).
But in general the idea seems quite intriguing...
Guest chapter 43 . 12/20/2014
Last updated 11 months ago, I just came back to check for a new chapter...
Still wanting more!
tatiana.j.davidson chapter 6 . 12/7/2014
That was actually pretty smart! But...
tatiana.j.davidson chapter 1 . 12/7/2014
Well... that escalated quickly.
And the worst father of the year award goes to...
tatiana.j.davidson chapter 5 . 12/7/2014
You know, when the drones first brought out the pear, I kind of hoped they wouldn't go there.
They went there. 0_0 Mercy!
tatiana.j.davidson chapter 3 . 12/7/2014
Now that is just cruel!
incarnate of evil chapter 43 . 11/27/2014
Where the hell is the end of this story? I've been really enjoying but that is a horrible place to have left it and for so long. Please update and finish this story real soon! :)
NorthernMage chapter 43 . 11/27/2014

That cliffhanger?! And no update since January?!

This fanfic is awesome! I can't even explain how badly needed an update is!

*is completely and utterly begging for this to be updated*
Hiddlestoner101 chapter 43 . 11/8/2014
it's been a long, long, long time! please please update! I love this story so much.
icecatfire chapter 5 . 10/31/2014
i've finally decided...i WILL continue to read this story...mainly for the comfort that will come. i DON'T like the torture but i will read. *huggles loki* *sets thor loose on the drones*
icecatfire chapter 3 . 10/31/2014
poor loki should have aimed his vomit at the 3rd drone.
icecatfire chapter 2 . 10/31/2014
to make a harry potter reference loki could either go to slytherin or ravenclaw with the whole breakfast/bathroom thing.
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