Reviews for Ned Stark Lives!
The Anguished One chapter 35 . 7/9/2014
1. So Maester Luwin was only temporarily missing. He was a good man. A pity he died mostly the same way as in canon. Still, he knows the Starks have returned.
2. Ramsey gets captured just before Theon shows up, his current Reek dead. It is a sad change of fate that Theon would release him to cause havoc towards the Starks. If Theon is lucky, that will be the last time Theon ever sees Ramsey Snow.
3. Theon's motives for betraying Robb and taking Winterfell are part of the reason I like him so much. What he did was wrong, but it was understandable. Robb and Theon were like brothers, but Balon is his father. Theon didn't want his blood to hate him. He is torn between where he was born and where he was raised. In the end, the canon version of Theon identified Ned Stark as his true father, showing Theon regretted what he did. Whether or not this Theon will come to this conclusion, I eagerly await.
4. Wex, Theon's mute squire, is interesting. I wonder if he will play a role of any importance...
5. Too bad Theon couldn't grab any of Winterfell's gold before he left. That would have made an excellent gift for his father.
6. Now Theon is running from the Starks' men while hunting Bran and Rickon. If he finds them, he will have a bargaining chip to get him back to his father. If the Starks' men find them, Theon had best flee while he can. I just hope Ramsey doesn't find Bran's entourage. He might find a replacement for Reek.
The Anguished One chapter 34 . 7/9/2014
1. So Arya is teaching Sansa and Jeyne how to fight. They best take the lessons seriously. Winter is coming, and the war is not over.
2. Gods, I hope Ned gets to go talk to Jon. I've been looking forward to that for quite awhile now.
3. It seems the main roadblock for Gendry and Arya to marry is the Frey boy. Still, there is time before Arya is a woman. With Gendry living in the castle, their love will only grow stronger.
4. Theon has managed to escape Winterfell, avoiding Robb and his men. Being captured by Robb would be bad, but I'm just hoping Theon doesn't run into any Boltons.
5. Bran, Rickon, Maester Luwin, Osha, Hodor, and Reed's children are missing. Reed's kids will want to take Bran north of the Wall so he can find his crow, but I doubt Maester Luwin will agree to that.
The Anguished One chapter 33 . 7/9/2014
1. I'm curious who Tywin's will states as his heir to Casterly Rock. Carsei will be furious if it is Tyrion, ab likely lie about it.
2. Someone needs to deal with Hoat before he causes more damage. If he was smart, he would either go back to Essos or find a new employer who hates the Lannisters.
3. Ser Amory Lorch was an idiot. Surrounded by men loyal to the Lannisters, he thought he could hand Harrenhall over to Stannis. That plan was doomed from the start.
4. Cersei wants her daughter back a Casterl Rock, but that is a dangerous move at this moment. The fact that Myrcella is getting along with the Hound is nice. As for Joffrey's crimes, the Lannisters may be better off with Tommen as King, even if that means Cersei's rule is longer.
5. Tyrion knows Varys has fled. He will be very surprised to learn about about Aegon...
The Anguished One chapter 32 . 7/8/2014
1. Dorne and the Vale are staying out of the war. The North and the Riverlands have lost too much to help anyone. The Iron Islands are fighting for independence. The Lannisters and Stannis do not have many people to turn to.
2. The Lannisters need to either get out of in between King's Landing and Highgarden or attack before they get attacked from both sides.
3. Wow... Varys has left Westeros to guide Aegon VI and possibly Daenerys to victory. There remains the possibility that Aegon VI is a Blackfyre pretender though... Daenerys' dragons might be young, but they will almost certainly play a role in things. Also, Varys and Illyrio are determined to put a Targaryen on the Iron Throne; if RLJ is true, they have a third potential candidate...
The Anguished One chapter 31 . 7/8/2014
1. What remains of Karstark's men will be forgiven, but their losses may have destroyed them already.
2. The shield shell worked out great. It was a good plan of Robb's. Plus, a turtle took Moat Cailin back from the sea...
3. Roose Bolton, the Greatjon, and the bogmen did well in the battle. The Staks will probably reward them.
4. Gerald Pyke might get laughed at by his men, but he was wise nough to recognize when he had lost.
5. Now the path to the North is open. It won't be long before the Starks return to Winterfell. Theon had bes get out now...
6. How will Robb react to what Theon has done. The two were practically brothers, and then Theon betrayed Robb for his father Balon. That said, I highly doubt Robb will allow Theon to fall into Bolton's bastard's hands.
7. Now the Starks know Joffrey is dead and that Stannis has declared himself King. They seem fine with bending the knee so long as Ned is pardoned. Given that Stannis believes Ned did nothing wrong, I don't think there will be any issues.
8. It seems Robb is happy being married to Roslin. Hopefully their marriage will be as strong as Robb's parents'.
The Anguished One chapter 30 . 7/8/2014
1. The Battle for King's Landing was a costly one, with most of the city destroyed. Still, now Stannis has his throne. Who will bend the knee to him and who will serve King Tommen? For tha matter, will anyone else get the idea to become independent?
2. The Lannisters and Stannis both need to regroup. It won't last long, but I think this stalemate will bring a little peace.
3. So Stannis intends to let the Starks deal with Balon while he deals with Tommen and the Lannisters. If Tommen has any chance of victory, the boy will need allies.
4. Davos Seaworth will make an excellent Hand for Stannis. He is the only one willing to speak against Melisandre or Stannis.
5. Good to know Stannis is still cautious of Melisandre. She has been extremely useful to him, but she is dangerous nevertheless.
6. So Stannis allowed Joffrey to die with a sword in his hand. It was actually rather sad, Joffrey becoming more and more scared while asking for mercy from the man he believed his uncle.
7. King's Landing will change a great deal under Stannis. Less people, more space. It is very smart of Stannis to pay off the Kingdom's debts to the Iron Bank and those loyal to him.
8. The small council will be drastically changed. Davos will be Hand. The Grand Maester and the Master of Coin won't change, but now several positions are empty. I don't think anyone but Baelish could replace Varys as Master of Whispers.
9. So the Tyrells will bend the knee to save their children. Stannis should be mindful of them, given how their loyalty keeps changing.
10. I'm so happy Stannis isn't worried about the Starks and that he knows Ned should be in charge of Winterfell. A Stark must always rule over Winterfell, after all.
11. R'hllor... Stannis won't have an easy time getting the people of Westeros to convert to the Lird of Light.
12. I doubt Gendry has to worry about Stannis coming after him. Stannis, unlike the Lannisters, does not fear Robert's bastards. I think it is hilarious that Stannis and Gendry apparently think alike, both wanting the Iron Throne to be more comfortable.
The Anguished One chapter 29 . 7/7/2014
1. Who will Sansa be betrothed to? Maybe a Reed? That would strengthen the bond between the North and the Neck.
2. RLJ... I do believe this story supports the theory. Awesome.
3. If Ned doesn't believe in Jojen's dreams about Bran, then Bran's trip to north of the Wall will be delayed. That can't lead to anything good.
4. Now that the Starks know of Tywin's death, they still decide to stay out of the war. Will the news of Joffrey's death change their minds?
5. Arya being worried about Gendry is rather adorable. The two are cute together. Catelyn seems to have completely accepted their feelings for each other. How that will affect the relationship with the Freys should be interesting.
6. Robb's name day provided another opportunity for a heartwarming moment for the Starks. The celebration in Winterfell will likely provide another.
The Anguished One chapter 28 . 7/7/2014
1. Only Littlefinger could ruin a plan he knew nothing about. Honestly, the man is involved with everything.
2. The scene with Tyrion and Bronn swapping war stories was rather nice. The two truly are friends.
3. It is mart to take Tommen to Casterly Rock, but the rest of Cersei's plan is incredibly stupid. Not only would Jaime never accept being Hand, he would do a terrible job of it.
4. So Stannis has been crowned King and Baelish is his Master of Coins. Stannis will now begin reuniting the Seven Kingdoms and killing anyone with Lannister blood. I wonder what the North will do. Robb might bend the knee to him, as the Starks have no issues with him, or he might try to be independent. The Grejoys will bend the knee if their smart... so the won't.
5. Jaime is right about Cersei. She will never agree to marry anyone again. The only person even slightly possible would be Jaime, and the people will not like that.
6. So Tyrion must go back to Harrenhall to keep the lords from bending the knee to Stannis. Their loyalty is at best shaky, so he has a tough job waiting for him.
7. Joffrey is a great name for Tommen's donkey. The cruel boy was definitely not a good brother to his siblings.
The Anguished One chapter 27 . 7/7/2014
1. Just by Stannis attacking in a different place, the wildfire backfired and Tyrion's plan failed. Cersei and possibly others will probably blame him.
2. So Stannis has taken King's Landing. The place might be damaged, but he now sits on the Iron Throne. I look forward to the chapter showing what is going on with Stannis and Davos Storm. The Lannisters will have to fight to get it back.
3. Varys kept his promise and helped Tyrion, Cersei, Podrick, Tommen, Shae and Lancel escape. What will the Spider do now?
4. Joffrey is dead. He was a horrible king, but I don't thnk he deserved this...
5. Tommen is now King... according to those loyal to him. Let's hope he does better than Joffrey.
The Anguished One chapter 26 . 7/7/2014
1. The Mountain is a truly cruel man. As Jaime said, he serves his purpose, but I would not want him under my employment.
2. Kevan's forces did well defeating Stannis', but that was a mere diversion. Because Stannis attacked elsewhere, most of the wild fire was of no help. Now Stannis has more soldiers than Joffrey does. Tyrion may have to use that escape plan...
3. The wild fire is quickly becoming a disaster, and people are fleeing King's Landing to avoid the fire. That will make things easier for Stannis. He just might take King's Landing.
4. Jaime has left his post to save his family. That's good for the Lannisters, but it will weaken King's Landing's forces. They need Jaime right now.
The Anguished One chapter 25 . 7/7/2014
1. Tywin's children may not have loved their father, but they did not want him dead. As for Casterly Rock, Cersei will never relinquish power in order to rule there and Jaime will not leave the Kingsguard. It will either be given to Tyrion or Kevan.
2. Tyrion becomes the official Hand of the King just in time for an invasion. Let's hope he does as fairs better than his predecessors.
3. Hiring the Faceless Men of Braavos to kill Stannis and the red woman... Jaqen just might return to the story after all.
4. Stannis finally attacks. With the constant use of sorcery, Stannis must be near dead or be sacrificing Robert's bastards.
Joe chapter 45 . 7/6/2014
Well written. I look forward to reading the sequel.
The Anguished One chapter 24 . 7/6/2014
1. Robb and Roslin are married, and no one died. Yay!
2. Arya will never marry Elmar. The boy wouldn't last a week with her.
3. Perhaps I was wrong to judge the Boltons in this version. Roose hasn't done anything akin to betrayal so far...
4. Nice to see Arya defending Jon Snow. She really does love her brother.
5. Catelyn seems to be warmng up to Gendry. She is far from letting him marry Arya though.
6. A turtle made from leather and shields to protect the soldiers whike they attack Moat Cailin... Not bad. War turtle!
7. Maester Luwin better become an expert on wargs soon, giving all the Stark children seem to be having dreams.
The Anguished One chapter 23 . 7/6/2014
1. Joffrey's and Cersei's rule is already being saw as one of tyranny. Someone needs to control Joffrey or replace Cersei as his Regent or the people will welcome Stannis.
2. I wonder what Hoat will do now tha his employer wants him dead. He best return to Essos.
3. So Jaime has returned to King's Landing. Of course, now he will leave to fight Stannis and his army.
4. Jaime has started to think like a parent. Joffrey is likely a lost cause, but perhaps Jaime can keep Tommen on a good path.
5. So because there is no Red Wedding, Tywin is using the Ironborn as an excuse to keep Myrcella at Harrenhall. How long can that lie hold up though?
6. Lancel is a rather unlucky Lannister. Cersei will demand he continue visiting her chambers, but Jaime will kill him for that.
7. Jaime's proposal to Cersei was rather surprising. I doubt anything will come from it though.
8. Joffrey actually asked Jaime about his parentage... The boy might be cruel and stupid, but he can surprise you from time to time. I'd love to see his reaction to the truth being confirmed.
9. It would seem Stannis' idea of parlaying is for his enemy to surrender. Still, given what he thinks of the Lannisters, his offer wasn't half bad.
10. Tywin is dead and Jaime knows Melisandre's sorcery is real. I wonder how Cersei, Joffrey, Tomnen and Tyrion will react to the news. Varys will not be surprised, given his experience with sorcery. Stannis is likely very weak right now, being drained from the creation of the shadow assassin.
The Anguished One chapter 22 . 7/5/2014
1. The Boltons are acting strange. Hopefully its nothing, but they might be trying to take advantage of the situation.
2. Only the Freys would let the Ironborn attack the North just to assure a wedding takes place.
3. So because Robb isn't trying to get out of the marriage, Walder Frey has no interest in Tywin's plan. The Red Wedding has been prevented.
4. I'm sure Myrcella is happy she won't be going to Winterfell. She may have bonded with Sansa, but King's Landing is her home.
5. I love the scene where Robb, Sansa and Arya are just talking and laughing together. They had so few opportunities to be a normal family before they were torn apart in canon.
6. Robb has found a suitable Frey bride. Hopefully Roslin likes the cold...
7. If Karstark had listened to reason, he and his men would be alive. I can understand his pain, but it made him act foolishly. Their deaths will likely provide the desire for revenge in Robb's men. The Ironborn best leave Moat Cailin. As for turtles, I have no idea what Robb's plan is, but it will be cool to find out.
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