Reviews for Ned Stark Lives!
Patrick chapter 45 . 4/19/2013
I've read the story and it is one of the best "A Song of Ice and Fire" fanfics that I have read. The plot was gripping, but it also seemed loosely based on canon which made it even better. Good luck writing the next installment of this story.
SilverSnowdrop chapter 45 . 4/14/2013
Just finished this. Great story. Really love how you pay attention to each character, and the plot is extremely well thought-out and laid out and organized. Everything makes sense. The different turns of events, the way the characters are developing somewhat differently than in the books. It was an excellent read (and so glad there's a sequel!). Thanks for putting the time and effort into writing this, it's really a fantastic work.

(and of course the best is that Ned is still alive, and he's Lord Stark again, and even - hopefully - having a new baby! I'm not a great fan of fluff but when sprinkled carefully into a story with real action and a plot, I'm a total sucker for it. And who could not love the Starks being together, alive and happy...even if it lasted only a handful of chapters :-P. Here's hoping they make it through the next trials as well!)
Blazen chapter 40 . 4/13/2013
I think Theon was too scared of Ramsay in this chapter. He was much bolder in the books - it actually took some time for Ramsay to break him, and he used a lot of physical and psychological tortures to achieve that. But here Theon is very docile from the beginning. Still a good chapter, especially Asha part
evenstar chapter 45 . 4/7/2013
This is my third night in a row of being up till 3am. Simply put, I love your story. Not only is your plot line great, but it is very well written. For a minute the other day I actually got your sequence of events mixed up with the actual book and had to think about it. I want to get started on your other story, but I think I should get some sleep and possibly get some actual work done tomorrow night. Thank you for writing this.
harrylee94 chapter 45 . 4/5/2013
... Dear... God...
#screams and runs around house#
THIS STORY WAS TOO EPIC FOR WORDS! And now you're telling me there's MORE?!
#explodes from over exposure to pure epicness#
Loved EVERY MINUTE of this!
Gendry is... and Robb came back... The Lannisters... and... and... GAH!
I cannot review this story and do it justice, so I will just bask in its awesomeness... and read the next story...
Where's that favourite button?!
Crown of Shadows chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
Great opening Chapter. Looking forward to reading the rest.
Matt Quinn chapter 45 . 4/1/2013
Done with this. Will head over to the sequel next. Good job.
Matt Quinn chapter 44 . 4/1/2013
I liked Tommen's comment about how the more noble hostages there are, the more fun it will be.

And it's pretty clever to see the Lannisters reviving the militant orders to fight Stannis and his foreign religion.
Matt Quinn chapter 43 . 4/1/2013
Wow. Oh wow. You had me seriously thinking Robb was going to die there.
Matt Quinn chapter 42 . 4/1/2013
Wow. A really awesome way to prolong the agonies. Robb fighting Ramsay to the death? Hopefully Ramsay won't get lucky.
Matt Quinn chapter 40 . 4/1/2013
I figured he'd fall into Ramsay's hands sooner or later. Luckily he was able to get out of them pretty quickly and get to Deepwood Motte. And he's humble enough after his various misadventures to listen to Asha and support her bid for a dual monarchy.

You've probably already written this, but didn't the Iron Islands at one point have a Salt King and Rock King? Asha could be Salt King, the commander of the fleet, while Theon could be Rock King and do governance.
Matt Quinn chapter 37 . 4/1/2013
Victarion Greyjoy? Attacking Lannisport? The plot thickens...
Matt Quinn chapter 36 . 4/1/2013
Good to see Ned is legally Lord of Winterfell again and the ambiguous yet amusing situation is done with.
rumbleroargrr chapter 45 . 4/1/2013
I absolutely loved it, can't wait to start reading the second part!
Matt Quinn chapter 35 . 4/1/2013
Theon is a massive idiot, no surprise. Black Lorren is a sadistic, nasty SOB. And it looks like Bran and company never made it to the army.

Oh my.
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