Reviews for The House of the Observant
Miko Eiko chapter 18 . 8/30/2019
Me ha encantado esta historia. La amé.
WalkingInTalaria chapter 14 . 2/8/2016
GENIUS. Of course it made sense to fit in the original episode's plot, but I really didn't see it coming. Now it all makes sense, but, as they say, hindsight is 20/20. But again, about ten bajillion originality points to you.
WalkingInTalaria chapter 13 . 2/8/2016
...Wow. A story...where John has...OTHER FRIENDS? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS? Because everyone knows that OF COURSE hanging out with Sherlock takes up so much of John's time that it would a bad idea, nay, MORALLY WRONG for him to ever spend time with ANYONE ELSE.

No, seriously, this is awesome. I'm astonished. I never thought someone could write anything that defies so many overdone plot structures in the Sherlock fandom, and do it without going for the equally overdone parody format. I tip my digital hat to you, honorable individual.
WalkingInTalaria chapter 5 . 2/8/2016
Ah, group work. A favorite device of bored fanfiction authors who want an excuse to put their main characters in a setting in which they are forced to interact for no reason other than to further the plot. And kudos to you for not doing that! I don't think I've ever seen a fanfiction author who has not used group assignments as an excuse to give their characters more time together. But you didn't! Yay for not using overdone plot devices! Which, in this case, made the difference between a bad attempt at Sherlock learning to make friends in the form of John Watson and an actually interesting chapter furthering Sherlock's character development.

I mean, sure, the first half involved Sherlock and John needing to share a potions book, but that had a legitimate reason that is consistent with the rest of the plot, and not some arbitrary hand-wave "they need to become better friends"-type thing. Congrats on not having a boring overdone storyline.
WalkingInTalaria chapter 2 . 2/8/2016
Nice mirroring of the canon with Sherlock again being an irritating know-it-all loner with a penchant for ticking off the officials, and very cleverly done in the Hogwarts setting. Although the unnecessary commas or lack of necessary ones can at times be somewhat distracting; have you considered going through again on a grammar check with a beta's help? It would do wonders for the readability, although it's already considerably better than many others. Just a suggestion, of course, and with such an old story I wouldn't blame you in the least if you let it be.
WalkingInTalaria chapter 1 . 2/8/2016
Well well well WELL what have we here? HP-universe Sherlock crossover? 18 chapters? Complete? Not entirely an obvious and trite Johnlock? AND with writing that at least approaches legibility? How very delightful! I've never seen such a thing before, and believe me I've looked. This promises to be very entertaining indeed.
Guest chapter 18 . 9/30/2015
I love it!
JustThinkingOutloud chapter 5 . 8/7/2014
I love this story ;)
AccioAwesome chapter 13 . 11/27/2013
Accio reviews! Ta da!
Lydoodle chapter 9 . 4/15/2013
YAY JOHN! I knew he'd save the day :D Lets go save Jenny! And then go after Moriarty (because I'm hoping that the RB is 'Richard Brook') XD
Lydoodle chapter 8 . 4/15/2013
Ehehe I like the chapter of this one XD And your combination of the Sherlock episodes is working well :D I'd kinda like more John though...
Lydoodle chapter 7 . 4/15/2013
Gah I'm getting annoyed at John - I still love him though XD And I'm glad he went and talked to Sherlock :D I wonder what happened to Jenny...
Lydoodle chapter 6 . 4/15/2013
Eeeek! What happened to Jenny? And MORIARTY! NOOOO! Evil man... But you have put Sebastian Moran in it too, which I'm very happy about XD Moriarty has to be behind EVERYTHING. Ack!
Lydoodle chapter 5 . 4/15/2013
Aw I feel really sorry for Sherlock... :( Why can't anyone see he's awesome?! Come on John! Can't wait to find out what happens next with the whole missing book things! XD
Lydoodle chapter 4 . 4/15/2013
Ooooh is some force of Moriarty's at work?! And I wonder why Mycroft was asking about Sherlock... I hope John and Sherlock become friends soon so we can get some good old fashioned Holmes and Watson adventures around the castle! :D
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