Reviews for Five Minute Major
cccccCc chapter 41 . 5/8/2021
I need more of this please, you have no idea how happy I get when I see it updated!
ArtAnime4Life chapter 40 . 3/12/2020
Is this finished on A03? Cuz I don't have an account over there and you got me sitting on the edge of my seat here. I gotta know!
Loving this story still, don't think for a second that you don't have people that care cuz trust me we do.
Username1990 chapter 38 . 9/10/2019
Hi junichi! Like i said before, im reviewing here because i dont have a account on ao3 , but thats where i am reading it!

That was so absolutely amazing! I can't even begin to describe it. This story is everything i hoped it would be and more. Definetly in my top 5 all time favourite fanfics. Your writing style is so clean, and makes you really feel like you are in the story with them. Perfectly descriptive . I love the way your portray every character, you take all their love able traits and manage to give us the right scenarios at the right time. You manage to switch between heavy moments and funny stuff very well, and the flow is perfect. I absolutely adored the chapters with urahahra and more recently the bar scene and locker scene with shinji. It was so cute what you made grimm do. I feel so deeply involved in the story, i cant wait for more! Its absolutely perfect. O, funny thing.. in one chapter (i forgot which one) you wrote kensei as kensie. That triggered my brain into thinking of a generic basic american girl (mckensie being a pretty basic cheerleader type name) and it ended with me now picturing kensei with pony tails XD . Kinda snorted out loud when that happened. Either way, long story short! I love it!

So much love,

Username1990 chapter 28 . 9/8/2019
Omg yes! They are going to meet up with urahara, i am so excited about this. Was really hoping this was gonna happen! I love this story so much. The constant back and forth bickering is so well done, and i am happy to see they are starting to get along better and better. The way you made the characters is everything to me. I love how bitchy they get, and it works so well with these two. I can only imagine how great the next part is gonna be! I cant stop smiling while reading this, my jaw actually hurts. Send help XD
10 out of 10 so far junichi!

scarlettopaz chapter 37 . 5/15/2019
I have returned from the abyss of grad school to provide you with another review. So without further ado, here it is!

I really enjoyed this first section as a transition from Grimm's argument with the coach at an attempt to celebrating their win. His tension and anger is palpable as he genuinely tries to get his emotions under control, and I felt that on a personal level. I think everyone has had moments when they've had to force themselves to move on from a painful conflict and stay in the moment, even if that's not what they want.

" a vulture hatching an egg." HAHAHAHAHAHA let me tell you, that line put me OUT. XD

Throughout the whole chapter, you do an excellent job of building the tension between Grimm and the rest of the team (albeit mainly Shinji) as his own frustration leaks out into his conversations. This first part shows Grimm beginning to slip. And his fixation on Ichigo's abs made me :D At this point, I'm wondering where this irritation with Shinji will go.

Ah Grimm, when will you learn to keep your hands to yourself? XD Hot wings aside, this section gave me the feeling that Grimm had begun to slip a little more, his self-control waning as he downs more alcohol. As a reader, I can tell that he's approaching a precipice. Although he may not believe it to be the case, the consequences of falling off may be more than he can handle.

At this point, Grimmjow has explicity thought of Ichigo as cute twice in this chapter alone. This is not a drill. I repeat: THIS IS NOT A DRILL. ASFDSDSFJDSFLKL

I am also thoroughly enjoying every bit of information we can get about the other players. It was nice to hear about Shunsui and Jushiro, as well as many of the others. The bit about Kaien, Shiro, and Ichigo looking similar was very funny.

I love that Grimm looks for Ichigo whenever he's gone. It says a lot about feelings he hasn't acknowledged yet. I also find it very important that Grimm seems to be far less interested in women than he did at the beginning of the story. Particularly given his apparent track record of being an overall ladies' man.

Poor Shinji XD His story line is very in-character, and it makes sense for him to be the scapegoat to Grimm's anger. And it was only a matter of time before Ichigo caught onto all of that. I like that Ichigo does not bend to Grimm for even the smallest of things (i.e., making him move so he could use the bathroom, not letting him have his chicken wings, laughing when Grimm suffered the consequences of eating them anyway, calling Grimm out on his BS with Shinji, etc.). I've said this before and I'll say it again, your depiction of GrimmIchi here is the most true to both characters that I've ever seen.

And that scene at the end. :D I can tell Ichigo is straining between who he knows he is and who the world expects him to be. I genuinely hope he finds happiness. I can't wait to get to the part of the timeline in the very first chapter, where the Soul Reapers are about to face off with the Hollows. This chapter was so much fun to read and analyze. As always, thank you for the amazing story!

Also, this will be my last review on FFnet, I'll see you on AO3! :D
Lizzie's last night chapter 38 . 4/20/2019
I absolutely love this story. I love the slow burn, its going to be so great when Ichigo and Grim finally realize they like each other that way.
I cannot wait for yout next update, thanks for sharing!
NIJInumb chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
Girl, I just realized I've been reading this story for 7 YEARS! I'm a whole adult now, yet as the years go by I find myself always coming back to this story.
TerminallyCagey chapter 38 . 12/18/2018
thank heavens for small mercies
Darth Morpheus chapter 38 . 12/18/2018
Always a good read when I see an alert from you. This has been a great story that has lifted my spirits for almost 7 years now. Keep up the amazing work.
scarlettopaz chapter 36 . 12/14/2018
Once again, I am approximately three million years late to reviewing a chapter. But once again, bravo! :D I cannot find a single thing that I didn't enjoy, as per usual. I'd like to leave a more in-depth review this time around, because you put so much work into this fic, and have given the GrimmIchi lovers something to look forward to even after Bleach has ended. Without further ado, here are my two cents (a.k.a. me gushing about the things I loved):

I enjoyed the progression of Grimmjow's story throughout this chapter. He was trapped by a different factor in the beginning and end, both things he couldn't control. I felt frustrated right along with him at the end, especially knowing what he's done to improve and how his confidence and skill have grown. The issue at the end was very realistic and splendidly well-planned. I was waiting for the coach to blow up again at some point, and for it to have a heavier impact on one of their careers. You've done a great job at building up the coach's character and making the final scene very believable.

Grimmjow's official return to the team was a good scene. I enjoy reading his interactions with the rest of the team, and appreciate the effort it must take to write about a multitude of characters alongside our two idiotic (albeit lovable) leads. And of course he was happier when Ichigo showed up. :P


The little old lady speaks to my heart. : Grimmjow is adorable.

"They were calling it...the resurrection." YEEESSSSSSSSS I LOVE THE ALLUSION

"Grind, motherfucker!" So much yes. I don't even know how to handle this much nostalgia and happiness at this point. :D

And goodness, the ending. The confrontation was so well-written. It flowed like a real life argument and Grimm's reactions were very realistic and in-character. I also love (and have loved from the beginning) how Kensei is essentially Grimm's father figure. He looks out for Grimm like nobody else does, and honestly, like no one else can. I was right there with Grimm in wanting to chase down the coach in an angry fit, but I'm ultimately glad Kensei was there to be the voice of reason. And yes, our wonderful blue fiend should most definitely celebrate. :P

Fantastic job Junichi! I can't wait to catch up with the rest! :D
23DrarryIsLove22 chapter 37 . 11/16/2018
I'd have liked to see this hit a thousand reviews too :((( this story deserves way more anyway
quinn chapter 37 . 11/14/2018
hey the review you got from "mary" is a bot they've been spamming countless stories

details at critics united community topic/78623/173683124/1/The-Bot-Spammer-share-your-info-ideas
jack chapter 37 . 11/14/2018
oh and uh, a more serious thought. Maybe you could just cut the m-rated sexually explicit scenes out, write a brief summary in their place, and then direct people who want it to AO3? if you can be bothered, anyway.

ffnet won't care unless people spam them with reports. in which case they'll just delete it, even if it's not actually violating the rules.

Case in point: "My Immortal"... It just got banned because there were over 10k reviews and so countless people spammed reports.

though... it was a crime against humanity to write that thing...
Gdlilgothgrl79 chapter 37 . 11/13/2018
I have read extremely graphic stories on FF and they have not been deleted, so I wouldent really worry about posting more chapters. Please keep updating this story I really love it and AO is in a format that I dont like going on. If you do quit updating on here will you email the rest of the story to me? If yes just pm me and ill give you my email
doberainbow chapter 37 . 11/13/2018
My heart almost stopped when i started to read your message :D Brilliant chapter as always, this unresolved sexual tension is killing me slowly but i love it, cant wait until the new chapter. Honestly every word from you is like a small christmas gift, thank you so much, have a lovely day and see you on AO3! Kisses!
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