Reviews for Indecent Proposal
NKubie chapter 17 . 12/6/2024
This doesn't shock me, but it makes sad for Bella. I hope she doesn't run when Edward tells her he knows.

And kudos to Edward for not falling for Bree's bullshit! Edward changed for her and he ended up miserable. Now he can change back to the happier version of himself with Bella. And apparently, the horny, risk-taking version of himself as well. Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 16 . 12/5/2024
The end of Robsten? This is an old story, isn't it? And I meant to comment earlier when you were referring to your kiddos. I know they're gromn now, so this was writtenwhen they were much younger. And yet this fandom has endured aftet all these years. I too have always been more of a Rob fan, so it thrills me that he's not only moved on, but he's a proud daddy now. It makes him even sexier, I think.

FINALLY, they're going to get to the heart of the issues! At least I hope that's the case. Both of them seem to have, at least, internally, accepted their feelings for each other. That's more progress!

Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 15 . 12/5/2024
So THAT happened...

Shit has gotten even crazier! And more serious. I really hope Bella doesn't leave!

Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 14 . 12/5/2024
Don't think I didn't notice that Edward referred to Bella a "my girlfriend," even if it was in his head. It still counts.

And now I wonder who this dude is. Not Jamie, I don't think. Hmmmm.

Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 13 . 12/4/2024
I feel like there's more to Jamie than we realize. Is he still alive, and if so, is he okay? Idk, but I feel like he's the key to Bella's wanderlust. Like maybe she's trying to get away from something, more than running to something.

And I'm glad that the light is finally starting to turn on for Edward, though it's not burning bright for either of them, is it?

Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 12 . 12/4/2024
Actually, we're not yet halfway, by the chapter count, but I'm okay with that.I did notice, though, that since the handjob, Edward is consistently calling her Bella. And he's concerned with keeping Bella happy. That's progress!

Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 11 . 12/4/2024
Ugh! FRIENDSHIP!Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 10 . 12/4/2024
I think I know what Bella is doing here, but she's really torturing herself...and Edward. I just hope Edward starts to see Bree and Bella more clearly. It's obvious to everyone else who he belongs with.

Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 9 . 12/4/2024
As much as I want them to give in to the pull and attraction to each other, I see how many chapters are in the story and I know it's not going to be that simple, or quick. I just hope Edward finds the less uptight version of himself and decides to stick with that. It’s good for him to laugh and smile, and it's even better if Bella is the one that helps him to do that.

Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 8 . 12/4/2024
I agree, they're both pretty dense here!

Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 7 . 12/4/2024
I think Bella is gaining a fan club that she hadn't anticipated, and the feelings may be reciprocal. Maybe the Cullen family is the best thing for her, and I think she's the best thing Edward, even if he doesn't know it yet.

Still not feeling bad for Bree, even if she is stuck with Mike.

Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 6 . 12/3/2024
Ugh! Edward's an idiot. He's really going to make a mess of things, isn't he?

Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 5 . 12/3/2024
Edward is so screwed! Hopefully. Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 4 . 12/3/2024
Poor, Delusionalward! I know he'll figure things out eventually, but until then, he's so completely clueless!

Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 3 . 12/3/2024
I have a feeling that that glazed look that Bella gets has more to do with her attraction to Edward than any possible neurological issue. Lol

Stay safe and well!
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