Reviews for Indecent Proposal
NKubie chapter 2 . 12/2/2024
I flove this Bella! She's a hoot!

And I don't feel even a little sympathy toward Bree. She didn't need to throw Mike in Edward's face. js

Stay safe and well!
NKubie chapter 1 . 12/2/2024
I'm going back and reading stories from my favorite authors that I've never read. Obviously, here I am. These are different versions of E&B than I've read from you before. And funny. I'm excited to dive in! But that darn zap of attraction follows them everywhere, doesn't it?

Stay safe and well!
grapesiii chapter 1 . 12/2/2024
Did i tell you how much i loved this one? Thank you!
grapesiii chapter 18 . 12/1/2024
I am crying
Patriciadiane chapter 33 . 11/4/2024
Diego deserves better
W for the kids
Patriciadiane chapter 32 . 11/4/2024
the food thing annoyed me. To spring it on the host and hostess is downright rude. But Bella is the bomb
So was their salt in her it
Patriciadiane chapter 31 . 11/4/2024
love the family time
bree is a mood killer
Patriciadiane chapter 30 . 11/4/2024
love the family
Patriciadiane chapter 29 . 11/4/2024
loved it
Patriciadiane chapter 28 . 11/4/2024
Patriciadiane chapter 27 . 11/4/2024
Well, that was a romantic gesture for sure
Patriciadiane chapter 26 . 11/4/2024
I wish that Bella would go back to school
Patriciadiane chapter 25 . 11/4/2024
Bella leave, finish your education and live
Patriciadiane chapter 24 . 11/4/2024
yes, I cried
Patriciadiane chapter 23 . 11/4/2024
powerful chapter and yes I'm crying
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