Reviews for The Big Apple
Pearphone5 chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
Evangeline sounds like me fire-loving and water-hating except an girl
Guest chapter 40 . 8/16/2012
oh my goodness PLEASE do a games of the game makers! that would be so cool! ugggh, i sound like a capitol citizen...
Trapped In Narnia chapter 40 . 8/12/2012
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEAHHHHHH! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! HOW'S YOUR OWN MEDICINE TASTE, GAMEMAKERS?! I get it kNIGHT like Nightingale and Pyrus like Pyro, and then Herra for Jude. His boy is the gang that he loved. Is he ever going to the museum that talks about the fallen?
Shipwreckedd chapter 40 . 8/12/2012
Incredible! This whole story has been just that!
I would first love to get this out of the way; . ...HFKEJD T.T Seriously though, its completely amazing that Jude was the winner and I'm totally fangirling!
Secondly! This story! Its been nothing but wonderfully written and so beautifully strung together. I've loved every character and how you've wrote them. You made me love them all and hate to see them die. You made all their relationships so important and never just tossed aside a character after they were killed off. I loved every little detail you put into the games. It was original and surprising and hilarious. The situations and the characters could always put a smile on my face. And then there were the moments I thought I would never stop crying, and I really felt for everyone, and wanted to rage with them. Truley an amazing story!
The final battle was so perfect. It was intense, and yet light-hearted, and still fun, and of course so surprising. I loved how badass True was, and to have a go with Clyde, who I can still not get over how much I love him, it was so exciting. When they took eachother down my breath stopped! And when Jude ended up with that pill I was jumping around like a fool just waiting to see what would happen! And he won, trying to what he thought was kill himself!
This final chapter was so enjoyable! I cant get over the Capitol ridiculousness of making Jude the giant, an actual giant! Its something so clever, I really only think I'd ever read it from someone like yourself. I love that you talked of him helping the rebels and I adore the sneak peak into your next story! In which, I know for certain, I will be right there reading!
So until then...
ChocolateTear chapter 40 . 8/12/2012
Wowowowowowow! Amazing Quell idea! It is so original, and I love original!
It is so awsome to hear some last things about Jude (not that I didn't expect it), and it is indeed very logical that he becomes a rebel, you know, after Games like his.
Lol at the giant thing. Oh, the Capitol is so redicules.
District11-Olive chapter 40 . 8/12/2012
oh my goodness, Game makers :D exciting and I will surely be submitting! As soon as you need a tribute I am there! :D

Jude is such a good guy but I feel so bad for him, he didn't want to win and now he has to change his life. Pretend to have been in love with Evan, adopt a son, beome a rebel! That is so Jude!
SakuraDreamerz chapter 40 . 8/12/2012
Horrah for Jude and Shipwwrecked! Congrats you guys!
incubiis chapter 1 . 8/11/2012
Yaaaaay! JUDE WON! I was so happy, I liked him the most of the final few :)
District11-Olive chapter 39 . 8/11/2012
Wow, I loved this chapter! I am very glad that Jude won :D he was who I wanted to :3 The way he won was just, bravo, well done, well done! I love that he wanted to die but actually won, it's a very original idea and a perfect way to end a perfect story :) I really hope that you do another story and I am eagerly awiating to see what comes next :D
SakuraDreamerz chapter 39 . 8/11/2012
Uh oh! Who's gonna win?!
WishofHearts chapter 39 . 8/11/2012
Pranksters FTW! XD
I'm so glad Jude won! For Zombie and Evan and all them :3
ChocolateTear chapter 39 . 8/11/2012
Noooooooo! *Sad face* This was already the end!
Anyway, Wow. That was an amazing end. I have been looking out for this chapter for a very long time, and you certainly didn't dissapoint me. I'll look out for the next Games in the 'Historical arena' series, since I think this is one of the best fandoms I have ever read.
I am glad that Jude won, even though he wasn't my favorite, because he was an awsome character with awsome allies (that had awsome enemies ;)). He was one of the people that desireved best to win, and to be honest, I suspected a prankster to win from the very beginning you introduced them.
Trapped In Narnia chapter 39 . 8/11/2012
Yaaaaaaaaaay Jude won! Take care of Zombie and Evan's memories Jude. Don't let them be forgotten. I'm sure their districts will be eager to see you. :) 3
Shipwreckedd chapter 38 . 7/18/2012
Gah! More torture! This was so great! I'm so excited for the final battle, but I never want this to be over, so I'm really really glad that this bit was added.
And it was so fun! xD I think I literally died laughing during Clydes run. Omg Larry, that was too perfect! "Who dies during the travel to the cornucopia? Not Clyde." I cannot get over how much I love him sometimes! And I really loved that they used Zombies solutions against them. ( Zombies never die! ) Looks like Clyde and Jude got out of there fairly unscathed, but True could be in trouble with her injury! Ohhoho! And it seems the Capital might finally be ready for the final battle! I'm on the edge of my seat for what comes next! Update soon! In the mean time ill just be preparing myself mentally ;) Wonderful as always!
SakuraDreamerz chapter 38 . 7/17/2012
three challenges? and hey! that was mean of the capitol to steal the pranksters ideas!
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