Reviews for I Will Love Thee Still, My Dear
Amity95 chapter 14 . 7/9/2021
Beautifully written story and, dare I say It, more realistic than what happened in canon? Throughout the story it seemed right that they would find their way back to each other tentatively through letters. The slow reconciliation felt quite realistic and true. They also grew to know each other better before committing to each other for life. The death was terrible and I wish so much that it didn’t happenthat’s why we read fan fiction! For the happy endings that we don’t get in real life! Alas, that felt realistic too, unfortunatelyso there’s no escape. So at the end, even if I was hoping for fantasy and escape, what we’re left with is a story that feels real and true and beautifully written. Thank you. It’s hard to complain about that even if I wanted an M/M happily ever after.
Anna chapter 12 . 8/30/2018
beautifully written story, but you really REALLY REALLY should put in a warning about character death or include drama at the genre.
Guest chapter 14 . 3/25/2017
Ah you should have warn about tragedy
Guest chapter 14 . 12/10/2016
Me too.
Guest chapter 14 . 1/24/2015
I'm sobbing as I write this. It was beautifully written. Xx
Ssnqrq chapter 14 . 12/22/2014
Oh... What should I say about this story? Beautiful, romantic, lively yet super sad. Just like there is a hole in my chest when I finish the last chapter. Sometimes I wish you had not written about bring his body back in Downton. Because then there might have been the mistake about his death. He might have appeared one day to see Mary and their child. And the canon is not happy at all!
You said you have two endings for this. I hope you can write a sequel or just a small different ending for MM. Though it's so so sad, your story is still one of the besr I have ever read!
13dramaqueen13 chapter 1 . 3/3/2014
This story is so well done, and beautiful. I think you captured the characters really well; I loved how you made their relationship grow over the letters, and how they gradually learned little things about each other. I also really liked how Mary become close with Isobel, that was a really great touch.
AmeriGirlTN chapter 14 . 3/2/2014
So glad to see this recognized in the Highclere awards. It's one of my favorites and I just read it again - except for the last two chapters. Sorry.
sushud82 chapter 14 . 1/31/2014
What a great story. You are a wonderful writer. I think I was most impressed with the way you captured Matthew's torn feelings over the war and I agree that the show could have explored that more thoroughly. So kudos to you for taking on the challenge. I wasn't quite expecting this story to take the turn it did in later chapters...I've been mostly reading happy AU fiction to compensate for the loss of Matthew on the show. I've had enough DA tragedy for a lifetime! So, not quite what I was looking for but a very well-done story nonetheless. Thank you for telling the tale.
Habitualfool chapter 14 . 8/10/2013
I really liked this story, until...well, you know. I wish that you would consider doing a spin off of this story, where Matthew lived and had that spinal injury like in the show, to see if he would still try and make Mary leave, especially when she finds out about the baby. But, of course, I think it would be brilliant if Matthew never dies (in stories or like he did in the actual show"). I loved reading this, you are a great writer!
Rae Smith Cobleigh chapter 14 . 8/7/2013
Achingly beautiful! Of course that's not how I wanted it to turn out, but you wrote it beautifully.
judyl1 chapter 14 . 6/21/2013
Your story was recommended, and it is really both sad and wonderful. I loved all the letters. The last scene at the station where they said goodbye was so effective. The interaction between Mary and Isobel in the end was so exactly true to the characters.
theMatthewReview chapter 14 . 6/14/2013
Ohhhhhh... Matthew, Matthew, Matthew. Beautiful and very sad... There have been tears in my eyes these last few chapters.
eyeon chapter 8 . 6/11/2013
Excellent poetic choices and tremendously romantic!
eyeon chapter 6 . 6/11/2013
Hello from months after you've finished but I've JUST found this story and am captivated by it. Obviously I'm drawn to the "Next" button but this time I HAD to stop and whine, "WHY didn't she kiss him?"

So funny about being Alice in the play and teasing him (right?) about wearing the dress after!
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