Reviews for Disillusionment
xBookEaterx chapter 9 . 5/4/2014
I love the things you write on how Merlin is so taken for granted the WHOLE series... I'm loving this so far :D
Guest chapter 12 . 4/30/2014
This story made me cry when merlin was revealed. I enjoyed this fix emmensely and think you have great talent with stories.
Renee 213 chapter 23 . 4/10/2014
The first time I read this was when I was watching season 4. After the nightmare that is season 5, I went looking for this story. Unfortunately I couldn't remember the name and it took me months to find it. The funny thing is when I was looking for this story I was also looking for 'A journey destined, a journey forgotten' and found it first but didn't realize you wrote both stories.

About the story, I love it and wish this was the way the show had went. I hope you write a sequel.
Also I put this in my favorites so I won't lose it.
mersan123 chapter 1 . 4/10/2014
Hey sfsf,
Just finished your story and would like to pass on my WOW. Brilliant. I can think of no other word I could use to describe. Not an ending I would like personally (as I am a bit of a sop and love happy endings). I can however see that this was the only really logical ending after all Merlin had been through - and it was not an unhappy ending by any means - and love the twist with Mordred!
Thank you so so much. I will read this one again (and most likely again).
Guest chapter 1 . 4/3/2014
this story was fantastic.
Please make a sequel ! :)
AJsRandom chapter 23 . 3/31/2014
Wow! Epic. :)

It stinks that people flamed you for your English- I know plenty of native English speakers whose English isn't as good as yours. I think if you really enjoy the story- a true fan -you would overlook something so trivial. That's so shallow. :)

I think you did very well portraying one way the magic reveal could have happened and everyone's reaction to it. Things definitely could have happened that way, and I'd prefer that way to the actual series ending. :) I don't think it was completely in character for any of them though. I think he eventually would have gotten frustrated enough to reveal it to Arthur, but be so hard and unforgiving? I can't see it. It must have been so hard to write him like that- I couldn't do it. So bravo!

Thanks for sharing! I'm going to read your other stories when I get a moment. Looking forward to them! :)
Rowja70 chapter 23 . 3/27/2014
Sequel, Sequel, Sequel...
RocknRollagirl chapter 11 . 3/23/2014
So, i am halfway through your story and already absolutely impressed: the amazing details you describe, the still absolutely thrilling idea in general, the great portraying of each and every character, even those like George, who we hardly ever see in the show and your writing style made this story a joy to read and a peace of art. The fact that you are not actually british or american and have never been to an english speaking country before makes this all the more amazing and gives me hope to maybe start writing in english myself someday:) And now i will continue with the second half:))Bye
RocknRollagirl chapter 6 . 3/12/2014
I know it is really Long ago that you posted this but i stumpled over it and just felt the need to Review:) First Thing: this is incredibly well written and has so much truth in it that i sometimes wonder how dump the Merlin of the show must have been to never even consider this. especially the Thing about Kilgarrah:so logical and yet i never thought about it. Anyway, already looking forward to read the rest of this amazing Piece, will let you know what i think when i have finished:)
Wilko chapter 23 . 3/4/2014
Hope you do write a follow-up to this but yes, agree that the idea of registration is offensive.

Also, I hope that Merlin doesn't return to Camelot for many years and certainly not to take up a position with Arthur. I find it also quite offensive that Arthur is sneaking in to Gaius' chambers and steeling letters that are clearly addressed to Gaius. It's as though Arthur has learnt nothing from all this, thinking only of himself as usual.

The fact is, that he disregarded Merlin until circumstances forced him to accept and notice him. Merlin wasn't his 'right-hand man' because he constantly treated him as nothing more than a servant but treated the Knights etc with respect; they are not friends. The difference in how Arthur treated Gwen and Merlin quite clearly showed the lack of respect he had for Merlin.
Melting Angels chapter 23 . 2/15/2014
Oh holy fuck I cried like a baby at the ending! This was such an interesting story, and it was a joy to read. Well done.
thebicky chapter 4 . 1/20/2014
Great chapter as usual
thebicky chapter 2 . 1/20/2014
Man I've forgotten how great this story is :)
secretstar42 chapter 23 . 1/8/2014
Sorry, this is the same person who wrote the really long review about a sequel and that you are amazing but I wasn't logged in. You are still great!
Guest chapter 23 . 1/8/2014
This is an amazing story and I love your need to do a sequel maybe a few years on where Magic is being accepted and the kingdom is fine then a new darkness arrives and they are nearly loosing but then Merlin comes back all wise and powerful and different to stop it and then i don't know. It's just a thought and I think you would be good at doing that sort of thing. Sorry it's such a long review but I can get carried away sometimes. Your amazing!
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