Reviews for Knowledge is Useful, But Power is Power
Waki Paki chapter 8 . 1/2
In brief, I liked where the first half was going, then didn't like the second half. I don't recommend.

The first half is decent idea, essentially wrapping up the entire wizarding government into this Ouroborous of oaths and bindings that became self-sustaining for the institution, which "explains" a lot of the bad choices and bullshit of the Ministry, and the knock-on effects to society. There's some good philosophy on how wizards fear and admire magic, how people don't do anything really interesting with it anymore, how they lost the wonder.
In the second half; the author anthropomorphized Magic itself, killed off Voldemort basically without ceremony, mind-whammied the main character, realized that they made the threat too powerful and intrusive, admitted as much in an author's note, and decided to escalate rather than re-write. They then made it so that first personification of magic was about vanity, and the house of Black had their own personification of magic about guile for many years who basically solves the problem of the other Magic for the main character like the clumsy Deus ex Machina it is.
At least the story didn't go Deus ex Goblina like other stories, but it also felt like it ended with an anti-climax and with basically nothing truly resolved or changed in the setting. It's ultimately unsatisfying.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/1/2024
:-( losing hermione really zapped the energy from me for this.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/31/2024
Had to pause reading after those first few paragraphs of Albus inner monologue. That's cold blooded. Idk if he's good or not in this one but I'd love it if he were that cunning and ready to blast malfboy's heas off but on the side of Harry & Hermione.
Stanislaus chapter 8 . 5/25/2024
this was a VERY good story
gremlin914 chapter 1 . 5/10/2024
So solid and doubly terrifying.
AerynS chapter 8 . 2/3/2024
Kitrana chapter 8 . 1/8/2024
and with one act poor dumb harry and his advisors collapses britains wizarding world. a few chapters ago harry was thinking about reforming the government of the wizarding world. and i thought oh good he on some level realizes that while power comes from the gun the job of good government is to make sure it doesn't stay there. all that other stuff democracies have the constitution, the courts, the vote, these things distribute power away from the gun. even though the root of it is still the gun.

and then now we see here harry just disregards that and rips the entire thing apart. in 10 years time i would expect there wouldn;t be a british wizarding democracy, just a bunch of family led fiefdoms.
lepetitereina chapter 8 . 1/7/2024
Bravo! This was some next level world-building!
lepetitereina chapter 6 . 1/7/2024
This is such an amazing story!
kitrana chapter 2 . 1/6/2024
a very interesting story, the problem as i see it though is that if you want a democracy then the ministry is right, in principle anyway. for a democracy to work and be by the people for the people then the strong MUST be able to be brought to heel. the strong must be able to be held accountable by the weak. it's the only way democracies work and remain.
but in a world where a strong person can simply will it so no others can hold them accountable then binding of some sort becomes necessary. i really hope harry clues in on this, every tool he seeks and succeeds in dismantling is one less tool to bring the next Voldemort to heel after he dies.
Greenvelvet71 chapter 8 . 12/19/2023
A unique and well developed story. A refreshing allegory on power; its hazards and the corruptions that many fall prey to when wielding it. Very enlightening and highly enjoyable to read.
didyousaytim chapter 8 . 10/31/2023
Thank you for 2 more chapters and all sorts of loose ends being closed (at least for 10 years). While he completed Twiwizard (and 1/3) you didnt even pull the emancipated card. Liked available Sirius, bookish but considerate Hermione and Harry learning there is more to mafic than the welcoming light of a Lumos. Nox.
didyousaytim chapter 5 . 10/30/2023
What a powerful view of magic and the strength of curiosity, intent and desparation needed to let it gracefully flow.
gabrieljuarezl chapter 8 . 10/26/2023
tks for sharing
Steve-Arkarian chapter 8 . 10/3/2023
This was a good story. Do you think you'll ever do a sequel?
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