Reviews for The Space Between
ErisedWild chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
I read this very last chapter in small increments, keeping it in another tab so I could pop in and out. Reading it all during one sitting wouldn't have been the same as savoring it.

Goodness, I remember reading the first few chapters while at my local library where I was volunteering over the summer, hiding my phone between book pages. And now you've wrapped all of this up in with a beautiful, wonderful ending "The Space Between" will always stay something I'll come back to in the future. I can just see it becoming more lovely with every reread.

Thank you for the universe you've created for all of us, the spot on dialogue, the incredibly believable relationship process that built up between our girls, and thank you for letting us in on the ride :)
waveriderfototaker chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
well done! i have enjoyed your story from start to finish. sad to see it end, but what a lovely way to go out.
deemn chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
This was lovely and so, so nuanced. Really, really lovely. Thank you!
Terri chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
I just loved this fiction it was so good I'm glad you up-dated it to end it most people don't just leave you hanging so thank you looking forward to the next one :-) .
Guest chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
Sigh, this, is perfection. There's just something about your writing that makes me truly swoon...can't wait for what's to come!
P.S. when maura says I love you to jane during the sunset...chest flutters, yeah.
Darcyless chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
Thank you! wonderful journey
dallas chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
thx for the epilogue.. its really sweet
Cortez2010 chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
Great way to end it! I let as though I was vacationing with them )
PariseAnne chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
Great story, thank you for this amazing adventure, always a pleasure.
guardianrock chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
The perfect ending. Ah, and I agree with Constance and Maura, Jane is so romantic. So, so romantic. I love this fic, it was so good, so full of emotions, danger and cuteness. Perfect.
CCJLFAN1 chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
This was great! Loved the ending! Thank you!
heatwave16 chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
Loved the ending. Perfect way to wrap it up. Maybe a sequel ?
KWQuiche chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
Nice epilogue. Some people may read it as syrupy sweet, and maybe it was in a few places, but overall it showed how very close extended families can be. I enjoyed it very much.

I think this was my favorite part:

Jane shook her head, chuckling. "You are such a dork."
Maura looked back, her eyes squinting into the sun. "You like it."
Jane nodded, unable to offer a counter-argument. "Yes, I do.
cabernet-franc chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
Yay, this was trully great! Thank you :)
Kushikii chapter 15 . 9/19/2012
This epilogue was amazing! It was cute, sexy, funny and lovely. They all spent time together and Daddy Isles was really sweet. He was so excited when it came to.. Do... Do.. hum.. Dorknob (had to laugh so hard!).. Dordogne xD It sounds so nice!

So they write their own epic? I hope YOU will write their epic, which you have done already! :) It's sad, that this story has come to an end, but I'm totally looking forward to whatever comes next! ;)
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