Reviews for Princess of the Blacks
GreengrassRebel chapter 1 . 12/21/2024
I come from a region of the world were sadly child prostitution is, even if not prevalent, at least much more so than in Brutish Isles, I found that scene quite schoking, because this is not your run of the mill human trafficking situation, this is straight up a pedo club so blasé that I hope to all deities that something like doesn't actually exists. I love "Sirius has/adopts a daughter" stories, but I usually don't bother with the "Potters are cartoon people and can love only one child for the sake of the plot" so averaging it out Im interested.
majere4 chapter 23 . 11/13/2024
"Not being armor doesn't make me love it any less. Thank you, all of you." She pulled the coat tighter around herself and smiled; for some reason, Padfoot felt a nigh-irrepressible urge to dig a hole and hide.
I guess his inner animal has more sense than his human side?

Found an old version of "Collected Stories" and a few of them made me wonder how our society could change so... Drastically!
majere4 chapter 22 . 11/13/2024
She and Andromeda were her aunts, and Sirius alternated between uncle, cousin, and even younger brother as the mood took him.
I love this, points for accuracy!

Don't forget that there are two others who can take your place should you be too cheeky.
Dora! Cissy is considering Dora part of the family.
*happy dances*

the year she had done so before joining Candyland ensured that
erm... joining?
but... help?

as likable as Jen is, she is not a nice person.
With her power, it's fortunate that she's just 'not a nice person'.
majere4 chapter 21 . 11/13/2024
Those two girls didn't have much in the way of friendships before Jen came along (for various reasons), and so they won't screw their best friend over.
This is something that always bothers me with MC's who have a command of the mind arts. She should KNOW that any secrets she shares are free game for someone else to find in the mind of those she shares with. Now, her own foray into Luna's mind shows that the quirky blonde is safe from casual scanning. Tracey, tho...

Ingrid is straight; I'm trying to stay away from the trap of putting every character and their neighbor in a homosexual relationship.
Thank you for that. Obviously, I'm not freaking out over non-straight relationships, you've stated that Jen is bi, and that was after establishing that she had same sex relations and was able to be friends with her customer(s). My issue is that, ever since the alphabet soup movement has gotten hollyweird support it's harder to find straight teens in monogamous relationships than honest politicians.

Have a good day, Miss Black," Pomona said, doing all she could not to crow in triumph for cracking the girl's shell a tiny bit. She knew she didn't have to, but she considered it a personal duty to make herself available for all students, not just her Badgers.
Jen sighed, happy to be out of the greenhouses. She had heard about Sprout's tendency to treat the entire school like Hufflepuffs, but this was the first time she had had a front-row seat. Still, she couldn't find it in herself to be too upset; annoying though it might be, she knew the Professor was doing it with the best of intentions.
Heh, welp, that's the first time a non-Hufflepuff-centric fic has shown that side of Sprout. It certainly wasn't displayed in canon, where she allowed those badges to be worn in her classes. Then again, so did McG, but we all know what a failure she is.

"I know because that's the hallmark of a lethal succubus feeding. A succubus whose son you arranged to escort me to the Yule ball. A son who, based on his age, I believe is just now coming into his hunger and powers and will therefore have little to no control over them."
Hah, you just cannot help but find trouble LOL! Sorry, I get that they have a real problem, but I strongly suspect that Jen will turn this 'problem' into and 'asset'. Meanwhile, she doesn't even get half an hour away from finding out she needs a date before she's being propositioned by a demon. It's just her luck!

... just finished the 'Jen's horrific fairy tale' scene. Somehow it broke my heart more than anything that has been revealed - even tho I already knew what happened, at least the overview. Brought tears to my eyes.

Oh, Lord, going from the display of pure loyalty of their oaths and then the next words are "Lily Potter"... I stopped reading to get my temper under control! Yeah, you've gotten under my skin. Incredible writing, well done.
*deep breath*
*returns to story*

Our intentions were good when we put her with Petunia, but all we did was give my vile sister a surrogate to take her hate out on.
I love English, I very much enjoy the art of writing and learning to understand the various elements such as Plot, Character Background, Setting, et al...
I hate diagramming sentences.
And yet, the first thing I thought when I read the above was:
I find myself confused.
The subject of 'intentions were good' does not make logical sense with the Object 'Petunia', and more specifically 'vile sister'.
Thus, I can conclude that Lily Potter is lying to herself. OK, moving on...

Petunia actually took some sadistic pleasure from describing in horrific detail just how much abuse they had heaped on her daughter's shoulders. Giving her unrealistic chores and extreme punishments, praising their son every time he beat her up, locking her in a cupboard, and at the end, dumping her in London like so much trash…

How could Jenny not hate her parents for the nightmare they had sent her to?
fuck me. So, I assume she did not tell jimmy, cuz the stupid child would be in Azkaban for sheer stupidity. But Lily didn't do anything either did she. Nah, why would she? I don't believe the evans witch has anything approaching real motherly feelings for Jen.

After her conversation with Jen, I'm left feeling lost about what to feel about Lily.
*2/10'ths of a second later*
Nah... the stupid bint threw her child away and never checked on her once in 14 years. She deserves every bit of torment she can imagine for herself - it wouldn't be a stubbed toe compared to the cruciatus Jen has lived.
majere4 chapter 20 . 11/13/2024
First off, it's great that you acknowledged that Mdm. Pomfrey is just a school nurse - from her own mouth.
I also appreciate how good she is at doing her job, including the part of defending her patients' right to privacy, even if she had to learn the true nature of potter's 'relationship' to the Blacks to step in.
Now... what's this about a Bride Price?

First is our Slytherin Task, and it will consist of… a wandless duel!"

Jen honestly feared the top of her head would fall off due to the width of her grin. At least she managed to keep her maniacal laughter inside. Should I at least give the others a little chance? Oh, who am I kidding; come to mama.

Sliding the sheet over Eberhardt's nudity, she left a mark on the girl. "Just so there won't be any misunderstandings in the near future, sweetie. Until your school goes back to the Continent, you belong to me."
Huh... the healing was phenomenal, but... what could her mark be?
A single shiny burn scar, in the shape of a bird track... cute.

Also, writing evil-sounding notes that aren't incredibly corny is harder than you'd think.
It wasn't incredibly corny? I mean, oh, yeah, good job!
majere4 chapter 19 . 11/13/2024
"As slayer of this monster and in accordance with the Rights of Conquest, I, Jennifer Bellatrix Black, do hereby claim this dragon in the name of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black."
I think this says it all!
majere4 chapter 18 . 11/13/2024
it makes me wonder if one reason canon!Harry never had many people around is that they refused to put up with Ron.
I thought that Was Canon? :D

Something that has bothered me is that nobody notices that Jen doesn't look like a Black so much as she looks like a Potter. A specific, formerly Evans ne Potter. I know that her bangs cover some of her face, and people assume what they think they know... perhaps I've answered my own questions.

"Now, the judges said I can't ask you for help with the tasks, but that's not what I'm doing, is it? I'm coming to you for help in choosing a career. If you showed me a few spells or strategies that would help me decide if a certain occupation is right for me… well, that's just you being a diligent head of house, isn't it?"

"Miss Black, if I may be frank? I am very glad I didn't lose you to Professor Snape during your Sorting." He stood from his chair. "As for your 'possible career', I had a friend who spent a decade or so doing exactly that, and he taught me many of the spells he had to learn. If you follow me, we'll see if I still remember them."
I... you know what, that's just friggin amazing. I always said that the most Slytherin of people would not sort into that very badly perceived House!

she could introduce negative emotions into almost any spell and bypass the arithmantic analysis normal witches would need to create a wanded dark spell. When Elsie discovered this ability, she had taught the then-young girl how to keep a constant anger simmering in the back of her mind.
Ducks, Geese, and other fowl words. That's just terrifying :(

Had she simply copied him, the Destruction Lance would have been weaker due to her having just learned it
Ahh, and here her youth and inexperience shows. Had she merely cast the 'weaker' version, he would have still been impressed, and merely encouraged her to practice the spell to get better. This is actually good, as it shows that you haven't made Jen "super manipulative". Just, regular manipulative :D

I felt vaguely sorry for the potter twit, but I got better.
majere4 chapter 17 . 11/13/2024
I like how understated Jen's derision of Potter is. The reality that he and Neville grew up together, that he has parents and friends to fall back on, these also make it much harder for Jen to be concerned for the little brat. The only thing I am hoping to see different is that your Harry should not be quite as simple minded about problems. His mother was also part of his upbringing and, even if James' first thru fourth responses were "Gryffindors Charge Forward!", Lily will hopefully have given him the slightest chance of looking for help instead of burying himself in a ball of self-pity.

Insights into how Luna and her father cope with their grief are welcome and lend hope that she can help Jen with her own many layers of grief, pain, and hopefully even her rage.
Insights into how and why Jen got into voodoo are both interesting and depressing.
majere4 chapter 16 . 11/13/2024
And here we are on the ground, she thought idly. Soil, sea, and sky, how poetic.
Nice observation... *ponders*

but being bisexual must cause their innate magic to consider me both competition and prey, hence the conflicting emotions.
Interesting reveal. The depth of the emotions made me wonder if the 'fire aspect' of the veela made Jen so angry, but if the allure actually provokes the intense jealousy and anger... damn.

Without their tireless efforts, this competition would never have been resurrected,
What a lovely choice of words... but was it brought back from the dead, or just reanimated?
The entire student body was eerily silent upon his uttering the word 'casket'
ahem, this seems to favor my second guess lol

"You and your politics," the younger girl huffed. "Why weren't you a Snake, again?"

She smiled. "Because this was safer for the Slytherins."
It's good that Jen can trust Luna with such truths! :D

Elsie had said the anguish and anger from her rape would eventually dwindle and be forgotten, as did all pains. In this, she was dead wrong.
It is this truth that all rapists and molesters can never experience deeply enough.

Strands of magic from the Goblet floated by her, and she curled one around her finger before releasing it. Since the contract bound itself to the champion's core, she was free to do whatever she wished without worrying about punishment, even forfeit should she decide not to participate any longer. Of course, doing so would reveal to everyone that something was extremely different about her, so the situation would have to be dire for her to consider that action.
Nice to have options!

may I introduce – incredible though it may seem – the seventh Triwizard champion?"
I'm starting to wonder if the Ministry shouldn't have changed the name of the Tournament to Hexawizard, considering the number of champions involved.
Septawizard? But, no, there are too many witches involved... Septamage?

Very intense chapter. Bit of a struggle with some of it, pressing on.
majere4 chapter 15 . 11/13/2024
would assume like Snape did that she's Sirius's daughter
Minor plot hole: this is the same Snape that potioned Sirius to never be able to have children way before Jen would have been conceived.

Contrary to popular belief, his creed was not 'Constant Vigilance', or at least it wasn't just that. 'Constant Vigilance, and Attack Anyone Who Gets Within Twenty Feet' was more apt.
To be fair, with Moody's list of enemies... I fail to see this as unreasonable :D

"Hello, Fawkes," she choked out, doing all she could to conceal the liquid fire roasting her brain and pooling in her lungs. "That was quite a trick."
Eep! He is a crafty old goat molester... though he didn't know how badly it would affect her, he most certainly planned it as a test.

ahh... Those Bastards.
*sighs* Christ said "better that a millstone be tied around their neck and they be tossed in the sea than they hurt one of these little ones". Some interpretations discern this as referring to Christians young in the faith. Others stand by the fact that children were nearby and He was being blunt. I say, 'why not both?' :)
I'm a firm believer in an eye for an eye when it comes to child molesters. I just think the reciprocation should be public and that the process should be fatal. Child traffickers should be worked to death and then fed to pigs. I have a detailed plan with charts and graphs if someone in power wants help setting this up! Not really, but give me half an hour...

"Has the chivalrous Lion swept the sarcastic Snake off her feet? Shall I start picking out gifts for a baby chimera?"
*falls out of chair laughing at the imagery*

Narcissa's 'disciplining' of the ferret was truly magnificent. That he has not only fallen from favor, but is actively having to avoid being cursed is just icing on the cake. His apology will probably be thinly veiled hatred, and far from public, but it will still hurt the vicious little scum so... huzzah!
majere4 chapter 14 . 11/13/2024
Your muse may be running roughshod, but at least she's productive!

The fact was, highly intelligent children may find trouble less often, but when they did, the situation inevitably became extraordinarily complicated.
*groans in remembered pain*

You handle the 'explanations' pretty well. The idea that an overworked McG would dump some onto Flitwick actually makes sense.

Jen's quick thinking in basically bullying snape into a blood pact was fantastic. He's a piece of shite, but he's also very intelligent and resourceful. If she could somehow get him to grow up and behave like a mature adult she could very well have a valuable ally. Or, she might just have to use him as potion/ritual ingredients. I'm honestly fine either way.
That said, will she leave Sirius impotent? I see two ways she could 'fix' this: One, have snape brew a counter that could be gradually administered to 'restore' him. Two, find a way to let someone in Sirius' circle of trust 'figure it out'. That may involve Jen confiding secretly, or leaving a book out...

My fave thing in storytelling is character dev. Second is setting-specific plot elements - specifically magic in fantasy settings. Your ideas behind wanded vs (Jen's) wandless magics has piqued my interest and I'm really excited to see how you develop it.

There were many things that could be said about Candyland, but it didn't let her be lazy.
I'm still struggling with the idea that she left that place standing, let alone left all those kids there to be... used.

"However, this year you have a third option. Tell me, Miss Black, have you considered participating in the Tri-Wizard Tournament?"
*groans* Of all the angles I considered on how you'd get her into the TWT, voluntarily didn't actually make my mental list :/

This marks the end of the "Snape as an antagonist" portion of the story. He'll never be a nice guy, but he won't be a heartless monster.
As mentioned, I'm looking forward to where you go from here, not just with snape, but I do see his potential. After a few serious sessions with a mind healer! :p
And a shower.
With shampoo! ... perhaps she could Compel him to develop his own 'potion fumes resistant' hair products? He could make a killing! OK, probably only a few galleons, but still :D
majere4 chapter 13 . 11/13/2024
Lily accepting Jen's "squibdom" is for the same reason that canon Hermione erased her parents' memories of her: the Wizarding World's views just worm their way inside you over the course of seven years at Hogwarts.
Bummer. I'd held out a bit of hope that the bearded dark lord put the whammy on her and made her abandon her own daughter and throw her away like trash to a woman that she knew hated magic, hated her, and would almost certainly hate anything that reminded her of her smarter, prettier, magical sister. Lily is dead to me.
I'm still holding out hope for James... you say Lily was brainwashed in 7 years, but James literally was immersed in the 'superiority culture' from birth. Then again, so was Sirius...

By 7, not even his "redemption" (read: creepy obsession with Lily and getting killed for being a self-serving traitor) could make me like him. The worst part? His backstory gives him so much potential, but Rowling just wasted it.
While I agree that snape was shite, the worst part is that Alan Rickman and some creative cinematography, some excellent direction, and a few added-changed lines created a fanon version of snivvy that is supposedly worth a knut's worth of foul-smelling fluid out of the disturbing lovechild of cattails and an enormous pimple. Whew, that's a mouthful... *thinks back and gags*

She sighed and lazily drifted behind the orb toward the dome of the wards, taking no pains to hide herself from view. Perhaps if she had known about her dumbfounded watcher, she would have been more wary.
*sighs in disappointment*... so, her favorite bird form for flight is the feather-brained moron. Good to know.

"When a dog makes a mess on the carpet, the only thing you can do to keep him from doing so again is rub his nose in it."
THIS IS PERFECT! It's absolutely the only way to deal with Sirius :D

but on that day she discovered that the Notice-Me-Not worked on her sonar just as well as it did on sight and hearing.
shiiiiiiiiiiiite! Talk about "Not OP"! Anyone still whining about Jen being a Mary Sue is either Not Actually Reading the story, or they are just malfois.

And yes, that was pure Lucius; he had the same lack of subtlety when he was young, too. How did you respond?"
erm... then, why... just, WHY?

In fact, the one that gave me my connection to the world's magic consumed three of Those Bastards in addition to my own core.
Hmmm... will we find out who those capitalized corpses were, or was this a reference to werewolves mentioned above?

I've always felt that McG was a pathetic excuse for a Head of House. I gave her the credit for being overwhelmed with three full time jobs (one of them almost certainly doing everything that dumbles doesn't feel like bothering with). That said, she utterly failed her House in every conceivable way. Regularly. Consistently. She's the easy example I would point to when warning of spreading a manager too thin.
Flitwick's utter failure as a Head of House otoh, I attributed to his goblin nature (which I'm quite certain is fanon, as canon gave two farts about Luna, and less about bullying). It made much more sense to see him as having grown up with a "the strong bully the weak" outlook than to accept he was completely clueless.
It seems impossible to me that he would be oblivious to three years of consistent, constant bullying. Luna going to classes barefoot. Luna without a cloak in the middle of winter... Outside... in front of Hagrid. Luna not turning in stolen homework (and the resultant loss of House Points). Let's not forget Luna being abused physically.
For that matter, the fact that not one teacher or prefect from another house ever brought it up to anyone speaks to a genuine lack of any semblance of giving a shite throughout Hogwarts - a literal culture of apathy.
I am happy that your AU has portrayed this "come to Jesus moment", I just don't see it as making any sense that it took longer than a few weeks, let alone years - and a magical assault to draw attention to it.
majere4 chapter 12 . 11/13/2024
Why would you ever think that the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black would be a vassal to a House that gained Noble status only two generations ago?
Finally! I'm only sad that this did not happen in front of Lavender, I don't get the feeling that Morag is near enough of a gossip to spread the truth.

"You should be more worried about what will happen when your mother hears about it."
Does she actually follow through on this? Several days go by and no mention is made of any communication or fallout/apology from the little bitch. I really do hope that Narcissa takes little ferret feces and slaps some sense into him!

squeezed foul-smelling fluid out of the disturbing lovechild of cattails and an enormous pimple
*uhhgggg... blrgdlack!*

they read the book to learn the subject rather than pay attention to the specter, and they never bothered writing the essays he assigned.
Sounds legit!

there were no forms of magic that required knowledge of the stars. The only celestial body that had any effect on them was the moon
Surely this cannot be? Why bother with the class for FIVE YEARS!? Five years of disrupted sleep, crazy schedule juggling, wasted money on equipment... not to mention a teachers salary that Hogwarts obviously cannot afford if the school brooms are any indication.
I'm waiting to see how it affects Arithmancy, Divination, spell creation, farming... Something, Anything! lol

A few deep breaths of the clean air revitalized her, and then she vaulted over the edge.
I wonder what her fave bird is to fly as?
Fun stuff!
majere4 chapter 11 . 11/12/2024
Junior champions will be given additional aid to compensate for the difficulty and danger they may not be prepared for. You see," the old man paused dramatically, "all champions will face the same tasks, no matter their age."
ID10T Error detected, please repackage your idea and return it to where you purchased it for an insultingly paltry refund.

Well, at least I know I won't be competing. I have better things to do than waste my time with this fiasco.
le sigh

I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, will prevent the horrors Jenny Potter seeks to visit upon us now, one way or another.
Oh... Fate was it? Well, shite then, off with her head to be sure. Maybe, after a lemon drop?
majere4 chapter 10 . 11/12/2024
Then the Hat got offended, Lady Hogwarts stepped in, and I'm left looking at my screen saying "Where the hell did that come from?"
I don't know, but it was friggin brilliant!
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