Reviews for The Son of Lord Voldemort
Nightcrawler X chapter 35 . 9/19
LMAO, the last chapters are so pathetic.
Storiesofshadows chapter 1 . 7/6
Really hope this continues. Want to see Dumbledore realize the truth
botearlen chapter 1 . 7/1
i really like dark harry fic with lv as his father
LordPentragon chapter 2 . 6/9
Nicely written, although I am a bit confused. Since LV is out and about, shouldn't the wizarding world be a bit more miserable? Also, wouldn't they recognise him and hide in fear? I hope that these questions will be answered soon :)
Vampireking40 chapter 8 . 5/17
Well the good thing is for the Snake there was no way Dumbledore could come up with a way to get the Lions enough points to win the cup when they only had 100 points.
SecretWriter26 chapter 35 . 4/14
I’m not particularly one for dark Harry fics, but this one was well written. I know it’s been almost 2 years, but please come back and write more!
StarkerParker007 chapter 35 . 1/26
hoping you'l finish this story like you promised in mant chapters!
Abigail Guerrero chapter 35 . 1/20
Good chapter
Jane S. Streeter chapter 4 . 11/23/2023
I love Luna, but I also think that Evanna Lynch, the girl who was her actress in the movies, would have made a better Doctor than Jodie Whittaker. Any girl who can pull off Luna, would be an excellent Doctor in the TARDIS.
bahiyah091214 chapter 1 . 10/10/2023
Hello, I'm asking for permission, can I translate it? I have already translated Chapter 1 from English to Indonesian and maybe the day after tomorrow I will post it on Wattpad. So If you don't allow it then I will delete it even though it has been translated.. I hope this will be answered soon
Dhazainal chapter 1 . 8/20/2023
Ive read the whole 35 chapters and i hope there will be an update. Please please finiish this fiv, its so good!
Kirbs85 chapter 35 . 8/16/2023
Oh please say you are continuing this story! Im hooked lol and need to see it to the end!
callmequinn21 chapter 22 . 5/13/2023
No offence, but i never liked that ship, so, i'm very grateful it sunk. Sorry if this offends anyone! Didn't mean to, hope everyone will forgive me!.ฅ́ฅฅ́ฅฅ́ฅ
Kira chapter 35 . 4/23/2023
Pls post the next chapter soon!
lettieloopylupin chapter 35 . 4/14/2023
Best fanfiction I have ever, ever read. That was amazing. I loved it so much and have just finished reading everything this morning. My only concern is I really wish there was a new update for the next chapter! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! I am COMPLETELY engaged and think that you are such an amazing writer and I hope you know that. I myself have been writing a fanfiction about Death Eaters and torture for the past couple of years now and this fanfic has really helped open my eyes and helped me come up with new ideas and really understand the Death Eaters personalities. I love the craziness of this story and I really hope to see that carry on so please don't give up on this story! Thank you SO MUCH for writing this.
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