Reviews for From This Day Forward
Just Sus chapter 11 . 11/17/2022
Although the Edward-stepping-in to marry her part, I really am liking this story! Edward is a gem, and Bella just needs to get over her insecurities. So, Leah is Jacob's "estranged" wife already? Hmm, very interesting!
teacher1209 chapter 6 . 8/14/2022
"No, not at all. It looks like warm baby burp. Who eats something that is so visually repulsive?"

What an accurate description!
teacher1209 chapter 5 . 8/14/2022
I was just at Carolina Beach last month!
Jillgrab chapter 21 . 6/23/2022
Thank you for writing this story. It was just as I had hoped from the summary. Soo good! I’ll have to look at more of your work! You are a great writer!
Jillgrab chapter 17 . 6/23/2022
I really loved this chapter. I hate leaving reviews that give the story away so I’ll just say I loved it.
Jillgrab chapter 11 . 6/23/2022
Whooaaaa! Did not see that coming.
Jillgrab chapter 4 . 6/23/2022
I had high hopes for this story based on the summary. So far it’s just as good as I thought it would be. I can’t wait to read the entire thing.
knotsoveryou chapter 21 . 5/7/2022
lovely! ty for writing this
mrs.addiecullen chapter 20 . 5/2/2022
I found this story in one of my Facebook fanfiction groups and omg.. I loved ever minute of reading this story. I hope you never stop writing!
Guest chapter 21 . 2/4/2022
Sweet and delightful. A great story thank you for sharing!
Adriu chapter 1 . 1/15/2022
Gracias por la historia me encanta. Es la tercera vez que la Leo en la traducción a español y me ha gustado mucho.
Saludos de mi lindo Ecuador
Nannyjojo chapter 21 . 12/27/2021
Loved it.
So pleased for them all.
Nannyjojo chapter 20 . 12/27/2021
Whoop Whoop.
What a night.
Nannyjojo chapter 19 . 12/27/2021
Renee made her bed and now she needs to lie in it.
Oh boy! I can just imagine Edward if they have a girl.
Nannyjojo chapter 18 . 12/27/2021
So happy for them.
OMG, the nerve of some people.
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