Reviews for Harry Potter and the Power of Paranoia
Nabeela chapter 23 . 8/23
Thank you for this.
I myself found so maaaany odd things that make the original work a poorly planned book.
Of course i love it as it's my childhood fantasy escape but i didn't even know i needed this.
Thanks once again
BaqaChan chapter 4 . 8/21
Oh god this is too funny i cant
Freddie Rindklip chapter 18 . 8/19
I do not think Chapter 18 is Weasley bashing. You brought up good points about why they should have warned Harry about the dragons.
fs.chel01 chapter 23 . 8/18
Feels a bit anti climactic. We'll never know the full power of Harry. He's just rly good at warding ig
Memer chapter 2 . 8/15
Bone breaking hex my ass, That was the power of THE ALMIGHTY SHOVEL!
Abstract01 chapter 18 . 8/15
Regarding your omake of the Weasley family:

If the shoe fits . . .
parkeykm3686 chapter 23 . 8/4
what a delightful rendering
JanuaryLestrange chapter 23 . 7/28
Loved this story, but it does feel like you left us hanging a little on the fate of magical Britain. Thank you for sharing your time and talent.
embracethebright chapter 19 . 7/27
Well If Dumbledor wanted to get something done he apparently can. she just needed a incentive.
Guest chapter 23 . 6/24
Guest chapter 19 . 6/24
Alas, it's a stretch to imagine him doing something as sensible as the way he deals with the death eaters here. It's great though.
Guest chapter 18 . 6/24
Makes perfect sense.
Guest chapter 14 . 6/24
I find that whole spiel by Dumbledore to be intensely creepy. Think of all the ways magic gives an old man the ability to watch children in a boarding school! Pedo vibes anyone? He's way creepier than Voldemort. Voldie is just murderous.
Guest chapter 7 . 6/23
I love the way Dumbledore jumps to conclusions based on the thinnest of assumptions. It's so very typical of his behaviour. Then, of course, any evidence he finds either gets folded in as "support" for his theory or discounted altogether. Not smart.
Guest chapter 23 . 6/15
Decent story. Ending felt a bit contrived but I expected that when I saw the previous chapter. If harry and, by extension, hermione were so masterful in their talents, the old bastard should have had his magic stripped from him and then some weird magical whammy to make him seem crazy. A runic tattoo and a ward, keyed intoba necklace or something after some sort of developing potion (of hermione's creation) just to make the old bastard suffer as he was told his fate. But, a lot of y'all don't carry that kind of energy towards the end of a story. It's weird. But I did like this.
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