Reviews for Harry Potter and the Power of Paranoia
FriendlyFire59 chapter 23 . 10/1/2022
This was a very well done story and I really liked how being forced to not think Harry would solve all their problems made a lot of the magical s actually do something, even if it was just leave. Frankly the ending is good, but I have always wondered about how many times did Dumbles know an attack was going to happen and he did nothing because of his 'Greater Good'? If you know then you are accountable, frankly his getting to live comfortably was better than he deserved, But that's just my opinion.

Thanks for having written and posted this, it was very good.
FriendlyFire59 chapter 19 . 10/1/2022
So during the first war Dumbles could have sent Fawkes to bring him Tom? What a wanker.
MollyMuffinHead chapter 23 . 9/24/2022
This was a great story. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. Some parts were really funny and despite some serious undertones, it wax light and fun throughout. Thanks for the story.
Kuman chapter 23 . 9/21/2022
Great story. Very funny. Though the ending was unexpected. I figured Harry could have simply used the Fidelius charm to hide the secret that Dumbledore believes he is a horcrux. Its not even his secret but rather Dumbledore's and Hermione was right there to act as secret keeper. Oh well. I'm seven years too late to comment anyway ;)
hdres chapter 8 . 8/13/2022
I really love this story and have read it more than once. I like how a string of circumstances lead to Harry leaving but even better is the way you build on the consequences of Harry’s disappearance and the removal of all the muggleborn. It is amazing how you have constructed each set of events, allowed the magical world to make the wrong assumptions and then act logically on their incorrect views (or correct in some cases). Thank you so much for sharing your clever, well written story
Silver Wolf chapter 16 . 8/3/2022
No, Dumbledore does not eat puppies, he eats poppies (the source of opium!) No wonder he behaves like a man on a bad trip!
Guest chapter 23 . 7/22/2022
your Hermione feels great, even somewhat shame that they won't make it a 3-person family
The fanfic was great till the end. Congrats.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/22/2022
and it required just one person to leave to make such drastic changes... and seems that it's for the better
so far a fun fic to read
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 6 . 7/22/2022
Tonks likes remus. Wtf is this bs about Tonks being annoyed by Remus. Again OOC characters. Jfc.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 5 . 7/22/2022
Sirius is way OOC. He doesn’t at all think the Weasley children are brats. Jfc. And while he disagrees with Mrs. Weasley, he doesn’t hate her. That better just be him drunk. I hate how Sirius is blaming Remus. This story is interesting m but if the characters continue being OOC and horrible, I’m done. Sorry. :(
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 4 . 7/22/2022
If that was Harry Tonks grabbed, why didn’t her glasses see through the glamour? Harry, Lupin is good goddamit! He’s going to feel like such a fool when he realizes remus is okay! Remus forgot to take his potion that one time because you were in danger, Harry! That’s why! Love the team up with Tonks, Remus, and Snape! Hope Tonks and Remus bond! ;)
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 3 . 7/22/2022
Wtf does Harry think remus is bad?! He isn’t goddam it! Harry! Your paranoia is sometimes right and other times it isn’t remus is good! And I hope ends up with Tonks. So Harry doesn’t know Grimmauld Place exists so he doesn’t know the Weasley’s are there. And Harry isn’t in Britain anymore? Wtf is he emptying out his vault! Harry! You still have school! So Harry isn’t expelled. That’s good.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 2 . 7/22/2022
So, it’s a good thing Harry left as dementors came and if he performed underage magic, he’d be expelled. Paranoia wins this round. Lol. Petunia can go to Vernon’s sister’s house.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 1 . 7/22/2022
Flashbacks should be in italics.
Trueseverus chapter 23 . 7/20/2022
Thank you for a truly original story! And well written too. (I get so frustrated when I find a really good plot/idea in a story and it's so badly written that it takes twice as long to read and realise the intention behind the parahraphy sentences). I really enjoyed reading your story. Well done
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