Reviews for Harry Potter and the Power of Paranoia
sarah-rose76646 chapter 23 . 1/29
I would like to see a one shot of Dumbledore and Fawkes in the nursing home and their daily life.
Should be funny as hell.
Guest chapter 8 . 1/29
Poor Hermione. I hope she turns out ok.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/28
How cleverly and originally you have used the fidelis charm!
Celticowl chapter 9 . 1/19
lol God bless the Marauders
BadAZKenB chapter 23 . 1/18
Re-read this story again. I hope the pile of petrified DEs never get found and revived in some distant future.
Guest chapter 23 . 12/22/2023
And why didn’t you kill dumbles off? Oh is it the killing is wrong? Bullshit! It’s not wrong to end someone who is trying to kill you. Bleeding heart morons.
HenricusDux chapter 16 . 12/7/2023
Of course he doesn't eat the puppies for breakfast. That would be utterly uncultivated.
Lunch, though...
reberebecca chapter 23 . 11/17/2023
È stato una storia favolosa! Un piacere poterla leggere. Complimenti!
HoneyBear84 chapter 1 . 11/7/2023
Omd love it lol
Guest chapter 23 . 10/24/2023
Refusing to kill is stupid. Dumbledor should have been executed.
perlcat45 chapter 23 . 10/23/2023
Now that's the best argument for fobbing Albie off to a nursing home I've ever seen! Great story!
gryphan.master900 chapter 8 . 10/13/2023
This. Was. Marvelous!
HPMARIE chapter 23 . 10/9/2023
love it!
ggf1 chapter 23 . 9/23/2023
I was laughing throuout the story. Great job.
GriffindorARMY chapter 23 . 9/14/2023
i love this kind of story. i just love how crazy and out of ordinary were your story. it' s amazing. the crazier the idea more enjoyable it become to me. it's called fanfiction for a reason.
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