Reviews for Changing Seasons
FANN0N chapter 1 . 8/11
Catgirl Hamato chapter 6 . 6/4/2023
Can you please continue this story?
CherryTheRose chapter 6 . 1/12/2023
gosh that was amazing. ty author
01SonAmy01-again chapter 6 . 3/10/2022
Hey again! _ who would've thought I'd be back here all these years later?

Just wanted to say how much I love this story, it's hands down one of my favourite stories on this site, maybe my favourite. It's so SO well-written, so visceral and such good characterisation of the characters. I just love it. I've sunk into another fanfiction phase at the moment, and I've read this twice recently just to relive it. It's so dang good.
Thank you for writing it _

Also wanted to say (and I know this is a heck of a long shot), but if ever you find yourself reconnecting with the fanfiction vibes and feel like finishing it off, I know I would be one very happy bunny. I know you said you had it planned out, so if the feeling ever took you again, you've got at least one (and many more) very eager pair of eyes waiting to enjoy more ;)

In any case, good luck with your writing ventures 3 I hope you're doing well! _
Lyra ze Hedgie chapter 1 . 7/21/2019
I am reading this just because it was published in my
SuicideDollG0esMetal chapter 6 . 8/31/2018
I’m not sure if you dropped the story but I have to congratulate you. This is one of the most captivating fanfics I’ve read. It’s so well written and the characters’ personality and plot is so cohesive with the real deal... I hope you continue with your good job. Sincerely loved to read your work.
kimchi-tan chapter 6 . 3/26/2018
One of the best in-character representation of SonAmy on this site! I love how well you progressed Sonic's conflict from continuously running away, to jealousy and denial, to making up with Amy, and swooping in for the go - it fits him so well! Honestly, I can't pick anything negative bad from your writing other than that this fic is still incomplete :')

To potential readers reading this review: while this fic is still incomplete, the latest chapters end with some closure so I recommend reading this anyway especially since the premise and writing are so well done!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/24/2016
Awww chaos emerald chocolates would be soooo cute! *w*
Bunnylass chapter 6 . 9/19/2016
"So...will you be not friends with me?"

THAT is exactly how I imagined Sonic would say it too! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to review this fantastic, PERFECT chapter! I thought once I fell pregnant I'd have all the time in the world for writing and reading. But I'm less than 2 weeks to my due date and I haven't read or written since the beginning, lol!

But oh my gosh this was everything I hoped it would be! I am so glad you stuck with the story and carried on fighting through the writers block, I knew you could do it! I truly don't think this needed anymore than this, it flowed amazingly, was so in character I loved it and has given me all the grins and warm fuzzies the other chapters did.

Thank you so much, I LOVED it! I hope you're doing well too?! :)
MissMJS chapter 6 . 7/21/2016
Alrighty, I am officially following you! THIS IS SO AWESOME! The frustration, the fluff, the emotions: spot on, my friend!
I gotta say, though, "FINALLY! That blue doofus is actually thinking now!" Ah, that lovable doofus...
ObsessedWithSonamy chapter 6 . 3/26/2016
ObsessedWithSonamy chapter 2 . 3/26/2016
I love the little arguement in April! I laughed at the cotton candy part! Cute yet Humorous! Just what I love about your storys/ FanFics!
ObsessedWithSonamy chapter 1 . 3/26/2016
I'm SUPER HAPPY * Clears Throat * Someone ' Ring a bell? ' recommended this story to me! It's super creative to use months and holidays to show Sonic's love developing for Amy! I can't wait to read on. Promise me something... Don't EVER let anyone tell you your writing techniques are horrible, because I've meet some people/ read some comments that say the author isn't doing a good job. If some people DO tell you that, don't let it bring you down. Of course, constructed criticism could be allowed at times, but other than that, some comments are harsh abou storys/ FanFics. I hope you remember I told you this. Your special, your amazing, your talented, your... DIVERSE!

- Blue .T Hedgehog

- P.S Diverse/ Diversity is my favorite word!
01SonAmy01 chapter 6 . 3/26/2016
YEAH YOU UPDATED THE STORY! :D omg it's been so long, (not in a moany way - I'm excited). I loved it! You always have this awesome balance of description and dialogue, and it flows really well. And it's so good to read this story again! I remember it was one of my favourites _
(getting nostalgic now) but aw man it's been so long since I've been on this site. Anyway - awesome chapter. I'm happy you've updated it :)
KAngel186 chapter 6 . 3/26/2016
Aww this chapter was adorable! Especially Sonic at the end :) It was worth the wait, don't worry! Love seeing an update from you! Hope all is well!
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