Reviews for Johnlock 6 long months
1stOfficerHeffalump chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
Awwh I loved this so much. The characters were spot on in the ways they acted. Keep writing awesome stuff :)
Molly x
Guest chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
Wow. English is... your second language and you're able to write something like this? Wow! Really well done! :D
GraceSong chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
ah das Gefühl! Was that right? I hope so but as three years of German lessons have yet to sink in I probably just called you a goat or something :) This was sweet and endeering, and your English was very good! I saw this from twitter and was too curious to let it go and I am so glad I didn't go past because it has made my evening much happier! As I says you English was very good- a few little tense errors but nothing that was'nt understandable. Besides it is a lot better than my German will ever be so very well done
{[:D this deserves more reviews!
( GracieinaNovel if you are interested) Keep up the great writing!