Reviews for The Turks' Way
daemonkieran chapter 4 . 8/18/2012
What a wonderful Vincent.
Kiki chapter 4 . 8/18/2012
Just finished this lovely story. It was amazing to see the old time travel cliche as done by Vincent. It works so well and all the little bits seem to make sense. Though I can not help but imagine the surprise which might show on Tseng's face when they run Vincent's fingerprints or DNA...

Anyway, thank you for writing and sharing!
TripOverFlatSurfaces chapter 4 . 8/18/2012
Well, I have to say, this really different from those Cloud goes back in time stories. Less stress and tears for one. Everything was /easy/. All these giant changes with even bigger impacts, and Vincent made it seem so /easy/. Guess it comes with being a Turk.
7th Scale chapter 4 . 8/18/2012
Epic! I love it when someone goes in-depth like that and works out all the little details and events sparked by the main character's tampering with the timeline. Great job!
Khelek-sul Renai chapter 4 . 8/17/2012
Love this story! It's really interesting to see how easily Vincent inserted himself into the past, and how much he managed to change in little ways. The entire slums thing, and setting Yuffie on the Huge Materia? Wonderful.

...I cry for Genesis and the fact that it seems he will never find a way to heal. (Hopefully the Goddess decides to heal him again? And Angeal?)

I like that with Cid he can be himself somewhat.

...You end that on him POSSIBLY joining the Turks? No answer to whether he does or not?! Now I'm going to be tormented by the possibilities without an answer!

Well written. Great read.
mountainelements chapter 4 . 8/17/2012
Very interesting story here. I like how differently Vincent is going about changing the past. The last line was amazing. The only con I see here is that it feels like a couple of lines are too close to Sinnatious's The Fifth Act (in the part where Vincent is eating with Tseng).
Reishin Amara chapter 4 . 8/17/2012

I still honestly think you need ONE more havnt gotten rid of President Shinra or Scarlet 'Jo Hansen', (LOL) yet.
Reishin Amara chapter 3 . 8/17/2012
...awe...what happened to Elfe though?
claire sorrentino chapter 4 . 8/17/2012
Wonderful ending. I love how Tseng's solution to the "Lance" problem was to make a new Turk. I also adored how you had Reno and Rude chasing Vincent all the way to the bar. I can just imagine how well Reno is going to like Vincent as a new Turk. Also loved the line about the Nibel dragon and Nibelhiem being destined to burn :)

Thanks for writing this. I look forward to seeing what else you'll write.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/17/2012
You are awesome! I love it!
Illulian chapter 4 . 8/17/2012
Awe! That ending was so heartwrenching! Poor poor vinny. I'm happy things worked out in the end though! Thanks for the read xD
ShivaVixen chapter 4 . 8/17/2012
Nice story, feels a little rushed at the end, though I can't explain how, but still, a very good story.
Umei no Mai chapter 4 . 8/17/2012
Awesome ending!
Self2656 chapter 4 . 8/17/2012
That was brillant. Thank you.
findthetiger129 chapter 4 . 8/16/2012
I guess I overlooked the next button on chapter 3. But still, nice!
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