Reviews for Harry Potter and the Aftermath
ak chapter 22 . 2/11
bonne fic!
jiromanawari chapter 2 . 10/4/2024
is he or is he not a wizard? why can't he just change up his appearance to appear older? doesn't make much sense
Chris chapter 6 . 6/23/2024
You have probably already been notified of this but it is not the cooling barrier it is the Coulumb Barrier, see wiki page: wiki/Coulomb_barrier#:~:textThe%20Coulomb%20barrier%2C%20named%20after%20Coulomb%27s%20law%2C%20which,get%20close%20enough%20to%20undergo%20a%20nuclear%20reaction.

My 2 cents worth

hdres chapter 22 . 1/28/2024
A really interesting and well written story. I struggled a bit through the Avengers repeat but when you got to your own story it really took off. Thank you for sharing your story
hdres chapter 8 . 1/28/2024
I am enjoying the interactions between Harry and Death particularly Deaths annoyance at Harry’s ignorance. Thank you for sharing your story
Apollodorus13 chapter 6 . 12/6/2023
Why is the former head of the Aurors ignoring a feeling his magic has given him several times now. Every time about the stones being in use and now that he sees everyone losing it, he just ignores the feeling? Even after Death just leaned over the staff with interest?
Apollodorus13 chapter 5 . 12/6/2023
Also, why can people sense Harry under his cloak? Not only is he the MoD, so the cloak should work for him just as well as it does for Death but its also literally a piece of Deaths cloak. Are you really trying to say that Loki or Thor could sense Deaths power under his cloak? Of course not, it makes zero sense that a cloak can hide someone from Death itself but not some Asgardians
Apollodorus13 chapter 5 . 12/6/2023
It bothers me how everyone that tries to write combat magic always thinks so linearly. The fact that he didnt belp out more during fights because he was scared of hitting someone when there are so many other options with transfiguration or charms is dumb. Also hes in his 40’s-50’s and ge still needs to say spells verbally? What has he been doing all this time? I genuinely dont understand how an immortal wouldnt cultivate their powers properly.
River-Mel.O.D chapter 22 . 12/1/2023
Great Story and a great ending. It all fits together.
BarbedCaress chapter 22 . 8/8/2023
Fun read
Didn't see the ending coming
So, well done!
realfan16 chapter 13 . 5/1/2023
lol poor Steve
realfan16 chapter 22 . 5/1/2023
An honest to goodness completed fic with nothing to complicated and mostly everything covered. Truly ffn needs more of that. Kudos author-san, this has been an enjoyable read.
realfan16 chapter 18 . 5/1/2023
Damn! That foreshadowing sure got me riled up. i mean it started alright then went dark real quick. i liked how the span of years didn't feel rushed(good job on the narration).
realfan16 chapter 20 . 5/1/2023
sad but quick ending for which I'm glad and Kudos for Luna "A sad man" hit me deep for some reason
realfan16 chapter 16 . 5/1/2023
Nah like fr niw that's just getting careless tho admittedly when u can't even stay dead, no point in being careful...until u get sealed for the forst time cause you weren't alive to defend yourself lol
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