Reviews for Zayden Blaze
AkerinSilver chapter 19 . 11/28/2024
I love this story and i am sad that it has not been worked on in a long time
Guest chapter 19 . 11/12/2024
I wish she/he would update
Zinovia chapter 1 . 10/13/2024
I have a friend at school whose name is Zayden. I saw the title, and I was like, “Oh my fucking god, I completely forgot about this.” Yeah, my friend is really short. He’s like, at my shoulder. Other than that, this is extremely well written, and I love it so far.
John chapter 19 . 10/13/2024
Miss, (I think),

l really like your book. I really do. So what I am gonna do is write a review every frickin day until l you continue, or give me consent to finish it. Ofc my real name is not John, but you can address me by that.

Good Yard
Pertemisfourever chapter 19 . 10/9/2024
Miss, (I think),

l really like your book. I really do. So what I am gonna do is write a review every frickin day until l you continue, or give me consent to finish it. Ofc my real name is not John, but you can address me by that.

Good Yard
Dmoney2204 chapter 19 . 9/24/2024
So that was a fucking lie leves for 4 years gets mad people thing he has abandoned his fics so they build off of it then disappears for 4 more years. Your obviously not coming back so why even bother posting the author’s note
KINGShaheed chapter 18 . 8/22/2024
When did he tell his mom? Wasn’t he just on his way to do that but couldn’t? Aside from that, finally! Been waiting for the reveal for a while, shame this is the last chapter so it's kind of moot... Oh well, cool story you got here, for the most part.
KINGShaheed chapter 17 . 8/22/2024
Glad Luke got his peace
KINGShaheed chapter 16 . 8/22/2024
Oh, great chapter.
KINGShaheed chapter 16 . 8/22/2024
You know, this would be a pretty good story on its own if you removed all the PJO elements. Like, as its own book. Would be a very solid read.
KINGShaheed chapter 15 . 8/22/2024
In what world would Artemis ever be able to give orders to the leader of Chaos’ army? This shit is blowing me away, lmao. Anyway, enjoyed the rest of the chapter. Seems like Zoë has high standards if that's who she’s crushing on lol. With this hopefully, Percy will act like an actual Guardian instead of a babysitter.
KINGShaheed chapter 13 . 8/22/2024
Good chapter, can’t say I’m looking forward to any more time spent reading about Percy and The Hunt though.
KINGShaheed chapter 12 . 8/22/2024
The story isn’t bad at all ignoring the crap with The Hunt. Good chapter.
KINGShaheed chapter 7 . 8/22/2024
Even more pitifully needy behavior with The Hunt. On top of this brainless behavior toward Chaos’ first in command or whatever. Started off pretty interesting but now... Shit got me questioning my sanity. It happends every time I read these Guardian of The Hunt stories but man it baffles me every time how to SHIT it is. Percy, becomes a glorified housemaid, a dog on a leash. A servant if we’re being real. It’s even worse with this story considering he is Chaos’ first fucking general. It’s especially repulsing as whenever Artemis is involved you always use obedient or obediently to describe Percy or his actions.

Starting to wonder if this is just SI wish fulfillment, cause this ain’t my boy Percy.

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
KINGShaheed chapter 6 . 8/22/2024
So much ass-kissing to comfort the ego of these lame-ass gods. Why so spineless? They’re guardians of Chaos’ army and yet they seem to be treated with the least amount of respect. Shit makes no sense, especially when they are there to protect these useless meat sacks. It’s like there’s no pride in what they do at all. Being proud is not the same as being arrogant. Something I noticed PJO writers get wrong. Always results in a dramatic OOC Percy who's pretty much a doormat.

Cool fight though.
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