Reviews for The Alpha's Promise
Rosebuds chapter 8 . 7/9/2012
AMAZING STORY 3 i think i just fell in love :-D
Lolabean07 chapter 8 . 7/9/2012
Hopefully Bella will fall off the bike and go into a coma for the next 100 yrs. *crosses fingers* Loved the conversation between Rachel and Leah. You better update soon. *pouting*
Lolabean07 chapter 7 . 7/9/2012
That's it! *throws hand up in the air* I'm officially in love w/ this story. And you only have one more chap posted. *pouts*
Lolabean07 chapter 6 . 7/9/2012 words...holy Hannah. *wipes brow*
Lolabean07 chapter 5 . 7/9/2012
Good Lord, Bella needs to be locked up in the psych ward. Borderline Personality Disorder much? And granted I'm just as pale as she is but why the h*ll would Jake want the pasty, white girl when he can have Leah?
Lolabean07 chapter 4 . 7/9/2012
It's about time someone told Bella the truth. I wonder what Leah's reaction will be to all of this.
Lolabean07 chapter 3 . 7/9/2012
Can I borrow Leah's dreams for the night? Please? *bats eyelashes* Loved it. I'm so glad we chatted and now I'm following you, too. *darts around the corner to spy on you*
Lolabean07 chapter 2 . 7/9/2012
Bellawhore needs to keep her hands off Jake's member. That doesn't belong to her-only us wolf girls.
Lolabean07 chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
Hmm, I wonder who you might be talking about when you mention wallowing in her pain and self-pity? *ehem* Bella *coughs*
KaramelKat chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
Love this Story! My comment was the guest below that said Need More story.. And I do mean that lol! See you on JBNP!
Guest chapter 8 . 7/9/2012
Oh I need more story. This is awesome!
CaPtain SpOcKettE chapter 8 . 7/9/2012
WTF this is soooooo good :)
Bellawhore needs to take her flat a$$ home & stop barging into ppls homes uninvited. Jacob needs to stfu with the whole I already broke a promie & made a promise thing b/c he doesn't owe that b*tch anything & after the way she treated & used him & talked to the pack the other night wth would he want to still be this b*tch's friend let alone best friends *rolls eyes* he needs to cut this lying, using, selfish, troublemaking b*tch out of his life.
Leah is better than me I don't care how "important" the hoe is to Jacob I wouldn't be nice or hold conversations with the b*tch I'd just ignore her & when she TRIED to play me I'd say something sarcastic knowing the b*tch is too slow to get it. Bellawhore is delusional if she thinks she has anything to offer let alone hold up against Leah. Why does she have an all access pass on the res anyway *rolls eyes* but I love how Billy just sipped his coffee when she saw them making out lol priceless :) I hope there's some Bellawhore bashing from Rachel while they're on their trip; love that no one likes the b*tch that's always a plus ;) & Paul is smexy. 2nd sexiest wolf after Jacob ;)
Love this story & like the 300 chaps you uploaded at once lol UD soon plz.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/9/2012
Oh please the wolf feels the pull of the imprint not the imprint Emily's stank man stealing ass didn't fight anyhting the hoe did what she wanted becuase she could, stupid bitch. And it showed how much respect and how much she cared about Leah when she fucke Sam and at their engagement paty no less, so the bitch is guilty as hell and her face is fucking hilarious. Bella, god I hate that bitch with a fiery passion! Jacob never shold have chased her ass and the council shouldn't allow her on their land since she wants to hang and be with bloodsuckers and cuase trouble then she disrespected their entire heritage with her little speech. Se just told Jacob she didn't want labels yet she thinks a promise he made over a year ago just before she left him still stands wtf is she smoking smh. Now she wants o play a guilt trip smh.
Tara Maria chapter 8 . 7/9/2012
Yay she's gonna accept the imprint. Just love them together. And it seems Bella is up to no good. She gonna lose him as a friend if she doesn't stop. I'm loving this story .. :)
Tara Maria chapter 7 . 7/9/2012
I'm just loving them together. Got to love Blackwater. And what Jacobs wolf wanted to do to her. HOT! Lol. I do like he got to explain about Bella. :)
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